Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan has resigned, and a no- confidence resolution has been carried by a majority of the country’s parliamentarians

Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan has resigned, and a no- confidence resolution has been carried by a majority of the country’s parliamentarians

By Karuna Thapa

Kathmandu, April 10

Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Prime Minister, has resigned. After failing to obtain a vote of confidence in parliament, Khan resigned.

During the night’s polling, 174 people voted against Khan. With such a small majority, Khan was unable to get a vote of confidence. Khan reportedly left the Prime Minister’s residence after failing to win a confidence vote, according to the BBC.

After the no-confidence resolution against Khan was carried, Ayaz Sadiq, who chaired Pakistan’s lower house PML-N, stated it was a significant day in Pakistan’s history. He further stated that Pakistan’s constitution has been preserved as a result of this unity.


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