Around 500 women and children rescued from Nepalgunj border point

Around 500 women and children rescued from Nepalgunj border point

By Muna Chand

Kathmandu, April 8

Around 500 women and children at the risk of trafficking have been rescued from the
Nepalgunj border transit point. Maiti Nepal, an organization actively working for the prevention and control of women’s trafficking said that many vulnerable women and children were rescued from the Nepal-India border transit point at Jamunaha with the cooperation of the police.

Maiti Nepal Nepalgunj Coordinator Keshav Raj Koirala said that in the last year they have
rescued 499 women and children who were entering India through the Jamunaha transit at
Nepalgunj and who were at risk of being trafficked.

Similarly, 10 women were rescued from India and Gulf countries during this period. Koirala said Maiti Nepal Nepalgunj received applications for finding and rescuing 526 persons during the last year and among them, 213 have been found.

Koirala said that they have provided counseling in 18 incidents related to domestic violence.

Maiti Nepal has set up an information and counseling center at the Jamunaha transit point.

It has been rescuing women and children at the risk of trafficking, women, and children subjected to sexual and labor exploitation in various countries, including India, and providing accommodation, psycho-social counseling, legal assistance, and health services to them.

Maiti Nepal Nepalgunj also runs skill-oriented training for the benefit of the victims of
trafficking and it has been reuniting them with their families and reintegrating them into

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, Maiti Nepal held various public awareness-raising
programs in Nepalgunj.


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