Security printing will give sense of independence in printing sector: Communications Minister Karki

Security printing will give sense of independence in printing sector: Communications Minister Karki

By Muna Chand

Kathmandu, March 30

Minister for Communications and Information Technology Gyanendra Bahadur Karki said the purpose of making the country independent in the printing sector is being gradually fulfilled.

Minister Karki said this on Tuesday while laying the foundation stone of a multi-purpose
building to be constructed on the premises of the Security Printing Center in Panauti
Municipality-5 in Kavre.

Construction of physical infrastructure and installation of necessary instruments at the center as per the plan would finally serve the goal of making the country independent in the printing sector, he claimed.

“It is an appreciative matter to institutionalize and initiate the task of security printing within the country. With the beginning of its production, the goal of serving the country’s
independence will be fulfilled”, said Minster Karki, also the government spokesperson.

He directed the office-bearers of the line ministry and security printing development
committee to provide coordinating and facilitating support to advance the task of security
printing production and necessary infrastructure development.

The government has placed higher priority on the security printing center by arranging the
budget on its policy and program, Minister Karki said, urging the concerned authorities to
immediately carry out the task of security printing by developing physical infrastructure and human resources development.

“Today we are relying on foreign institutions for printing security related documents, such as passports, bank notes, and excise duty stickers. With security printing works coming into operations in Nepal, the confidential information of national importance would not need to be stored in foreign countries and the chance of their misuse would be ended, he added.

“Development is not a particular party and ethnic group. Every person has a right to receive development. It is the responsibility of the government to speed it up. The incumbent government would fulfill the task”, the minister further said.

Also speaking on the occasion, MoCIT Secretary Dr. Baikuntha Aryal said the project has been advanced in a way to timely complete the security printing related task as the center has budgetary assurances.

Center’s Executive Director Bikal Poudel said the building is earthquake-resistant, quality, and with the capacity to store paper, ink, and machinery equipment for long.


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