Health minister announces to make Nepal TB-free within four years

Health minister announces to make Nepal TB-free within four years

By Muna Chand

Kathmandu, March 25

Birodh Khatiwada, Minister of Health and Population, has announced plans to launch
nationwide campaigns to implement the policy to eradicate tuberculosis in Nepal within four

Minister Khatiwada recalled the commitments made by the Government of Nepal for the
implementation of different strategies taken by the World Health Organization (WHO) and
different forums of the United Nations at a program on the occasion of World TB Day 2078 held at the National TB Control Center in Bhaktapur on Thursday.

On the occasion, Minister Khatiwada said the TB-free Nepal declaration campaign would be
implemented in all 753 local levels gradually. For this, the health ministry would extend needed support to the National TB Control Center for the implementation of additional policies and programs, according to Minister Khatiwada.

The minister also emphasized the delivery of quality services for the eradication of TV and
empowerment of TB patients and their families as well as communities.

Saying that TB is still a key health challenge to the poor, underdeveloped, and developing
countries, Khatiwada added that the government has accorded high priority to eradicate TB in Nepal and is running different programs at the community level through integrated health service.

On the occasion, State Minister Bhawani Prasad Khapung said support from all sides was
needed to eradicate TB.


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