Totally false information that China has ‘prior knowledge, acquiescence, or connivance’ on Russia’s military operation: Ministry of Defense

Totally false information that China has ‘prior knowledge, acquiescence, or connivance’ on Russia’s military operation: Ministry of Defense

Claims that China had prior knowledge, acquiesced, or tacitly supported Russia’s military operations are totally false and are intended to shirk responsibility and smear China, said Wu Qian, spokesperson of China’s Ministry of National Defense on Thursday.

China expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to such intentions, Wu remarked.

The evolution of the Ukraine issue so far is the result of a combination of various factors, but it is clear to everyone which big power bears the biggest responsibility for today’s crisis, Wu said, adding that, “China’s approach is in sharp contrast to that of the US, who has created and shifted crisis to others, and reaped gains from it.”

The spokesperson also dismissed claims that China provided military assistance to Russia, stating that they are completely false, and have been clarified by both China and Russia.

The US has been disgracefully spreading rumors against China on the Ukraine issue, revealing again its true nature of rumormonger and troublemaker, Wu said.

“We demand that the US side immediately stop such disinformation and slander, deeply reflect on its own dishonorable role in the evolution of the crisis and do something concrete to promote the de-escalation of the situation in Ukraine,” the spokesperson mentioned.

When asked about the US’ biological laboratories in Ukraine, Wu said that the US owes the world a clear explanation on the issue of its biomilitary activities.

Wu pointed out that biological weapons are of mass destruction, and biomilitary activities are a major issue that concerns international peace and security and the security interests of all countries. Any information and clues of biological militarization activities should be of great concern to the international community.

At the same time, according to publicly disclosed information, dozens of biological laboratories in Ukraine are operated under the orders of the US Department of Defense. The US has opposed the establishment of a multilateral verification mechanism for the Biological Weapons Convention for 20 years.

As a victim of biological weapons, China firmly opposes the development, possession or use of biological weapons by any country under any circumstances, Wu said.

China urges a full account of US’ biomilitary activities in and out of its borders under multilateral verification, the spokesperson said.

Regarding comments from US Air Force general Kenneth Wilsbach that China should learn three lessons from the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Wu responded that those who are calling for “lessons” to China must first learn to accept those lessons themselves.

Wu stressed that China has always pursued a defensive national defense policy and an active defense military strategy and is committed to build a community of common destiny with neighboring countries.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have never invaded other countries, never engaged in proxy wars, never sought spheres of influence, nor participated in any military bloc confrontation. The Chinese military has long deepened practical cooperation with its counterparts of neighboring countries in various fields, playing an important role in maintaining regional peace and stability,” Wu said.

He also pointed out that the US is the one with a bad record on security issues, frequently provoking wars overseas and causing serious humanitarian disasters.

When asked about issues related to the island of Taiwan, Wu pointed out that the Taiwan question and the Ukraine issue are different in nature. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair with zero-tolerance of external interference.

Under the Russia-Ukraine tensions, the DPP authorities intensified their collusion with external forces and incited secession, which is the root cause for the current tension and instability across the Taiwan Strait and will only push Taiwan into the abyss of disaster, Wu remarked, adding that “we would like to sternly warn the DPP authority and certain external forces that seeking foreign support to gain ‘Taiwan independence’ is a dead end, and the scheme to use Taiwan to contain China is doomed to fail.”

The Chinese PLA stands ready to take all necessary measures to resolutely respond to any provocative actions that endanger China’s core interests or undermine the peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, Wu said.


Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense of China, answers reporters’ questions on Ukraine situation on March 24, 2022. Photo:


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