In wake of plane crash, Chinese ministry urges for safety check across all industries

In wake of plane crash, Chinese ministry urges for safety check across all industries

China will immediately carry out civil aviation safety inspection and improve risk control mechanisms, in a bid to ensure the absolute safety of aviation operations and people’s lives, a notice released by the Ministry of Emergency Management said on Thursday.

Taking the Chinese Eastern Airlines’ recently plane crash as a reminder, all relevant authorities are required to implement comprehensive investigation and rectification of hidden hazards across various industries, in order to curb the occurrence of serious accidents.

In addition to a review of the aviation industry, China will take strong and effective control measures on the traditional high-risk industries.

Authorities are asked to strengthen inspections on disaster-prone mines including water damage and rock bursts, and enhance the safety management of pyrotechnics. The country will also carry out reviews of chemical plants and oil storage bases, as well as improve regulations on new hazardous chemicals projects.

Fire departments should strengthen safety management for hospitals, centralized coronavirus isolation sites, high-rise buildings and rental housing in urban and rural areas, as well as rectifying potential safety hazards such as electric bicycles brought into the buildings.

Construction units should enhance safety inspection on high-risk projects including bridges and tunnels, and resolutely avoid hastening to projects’ completion at the expense of public safety. .

The transportation sector should pay close attention to passenger buses and ships of large passenger capacity. In terms of industries in which major accidents are rare including gas pipelines, special equipment and agricultural machinery, experts and employees are required to carry out a full investigation of facilities.

Rescuers recover one of the crashed plane’s black boxes on March 23, 2022, which has been identified as the cockpit voice recorder. The flight data recorder is yet to be found. Photo: VCG


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