Local level election: 4,000 more polling centers are being added

Local level election: 4,000 more polling centers are being added

By Muna Chand

Kathmandu, March 15

The Election Commission (EC) is making preparations to increase the number of polling stations and centers.

Stating that the number of voters has also increased compared to the local level election held in 2074 BS, the commission is preparing to increase the number of polling stations and centers as compared to the last local level election.

Chief Commissioner Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya informed that the number of polling stations and centers will also increase as the number of voters has increased as compared to the last local level election.

In the local level election held in 2074 BS, there had been 18,572 polling centers and 10,640 polling stations.

This time, the EC is making preparations to increase the number of polling centers by 3,928 by taking the total to 22,500. Similarly, the number of polling stations will reach up to 10,756.

In the local level election held in 2074 BS, the number of voters was 14,054,000. This time, the number of voters is estimated to reach 17.8 million. If the number up goes as estimated, the number of voters will increase by around 3,800,000.

According to the commission, arrangements have been made for up to 1,000 voters to cast
their votes at one polling station.


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