<strong>Outburst ! The Western conquest of Russia has begun !</strong>

Outburst ! The Western conquest of Russia has begun !

# Wang Jinghua

The war is on its eleventh day! A magical scene began to appear.

Countless Western countries that had previously flaunted neutrality, or freedom and democracy, suddenly began to use the pretext of war to plunder the wealth of Russian people all over the world. *

Look carefully, I use the word plunder. It is to take away your wealth and property directly, and people do not need your consent! !

I’ll show you a few things that’ve been going on in the past few days, and you’ll see:
1) Let’s look at the first Switzerland, the place where it used to emphasize itself as a permanently neutral country.

Their Swiss bank has always claimed to be the most secretive and secure financial institution in the world, and even if you are a deeply sinful fugitive, they dare to say that as long as you keep your money in a Swiss bank, no one can take away your wealth.

Now that the Russo-Ukrainian War has broken out, what is the real situation??

On February 28, local time, the Federal Commission, the highest authority in Switzerland, suddenly announced that it decided to participate in the EU’s package of sanctions against Russia, freeze the assets of relevant Russian individuals and institutions in Switzerland, and prohibit Swiss companies from doing business with the sanctioned targets.

Yes, you read that right. Switzerland, a place that used to say itself to be a permanent neutral country, suddenly tore off the mask of hypocrisy and directly put on a showdown;
Directly follow the Western countries to participate in various plans to sanction Russia.

Not only that, but even the property of Russian entrepreneurs and people in Swiss banks is now gone. Overnight, Switzerland directly announced that all Russian people, personal property of Russian enterprises in Switzerland, corporate property, all frozen! !

Not a single cent can be taken! Don’t let a single point be taken away! Directly through this incident, Switzerland left all the wealth of local Russia in Switzerland.

Of course, the above words are actually of an official nature, if you use popular words to describe it:
Switzerland began, people fought wars, it was directly there Grab money in the back! !

2, Switzerland took the lead in grabbing money, plundering Russia’s wealth in Switzerland, Germany also reacted quickly, and immediately launched action.

After Switzerland and Germany, the United States, Britain, Italy, France and other Western countries all began to act. All began to carry out robbery operations in their respective countries!

Basically all the assets, deposits, and wealth of Russian entrepreneurs, including yachts, private jets, to mansions; as long as they are in the Western state assets, they are basically robbed;

* It’s really a grab! The kind that is directly confiscated! ! *

However, compared with Switzerland’s direct, direct robbery, hegemony. Germany, Britain, France, the United States, and other countries are still light-handed, at least before they start, people still make excuses for themselves.

The United States, for example, is propaganda for the plundering of the wealth of Russia’s rich, entrepreneurs, and people in the United States; Biden announced that the U.S. Department of Justice is forming a task force to “track down the crimes of the Russian rich” and will seek out and seize their yachts, luxury apartments, and private jets.

Similarly, Germany and Britain are almost such excuses. Basically, it is all on the grounds that the other party is guilty. to confiscate property.

Germany, for example, confiscated $600 million (about 3.8 billion yuan) worth of yachts from Russian billionaires.

Britain, for example: freezing the assets of three billionaires, Gennady Timchenko, Igor Rotenberg and Boris Rotenberg.

In the past few days, in order to rob and plunder the wealth of the Russian people in various countries, the Western countries have really been able to do anything, and any excuse has begun to appear.

In today’s global social networks, in such a developed era; Western countries completely disregard any face, directly plundering and robbing the Russian people, as well as the wealth of Russian entrepreneurs;
This kind of behavior has directly caused young people in countless countries around the world to collapse their worldview.

Countless people on the Internet have been confused by this matter.

A netizen’s comment is more direct to the point:

These two days I felt my worldview collapse, not knowing who brought the head, the Western columnThe strong began to rob the Russians indiscriminately of their property, which fundamentally violated the basic values of the Western market economy. The property rights of ordinary citizens, that is, property law, exist above national sovereignty in civilized society, and the sanctity and inviolability of private property are the most deeply rooted values in the process of globalization.

But now the Western powers are scrambling like hyenas to snatch the property of the Russians, a collapse of civilization. The question now is, will the Western financial system and market economy system, which is based on the consensus on the inviolability of private property rights, last long after this consensus collapses?

*The collapse of civilization*, it turns out to be a matter of thought.

Not only are ordinary people frightened by the robbery of Western countries; now the world’s top rich people are trembling.

For example, Li Ka-shing!

Li Ka-shing is a successful businessman, is an extremely intelligent businessman; since about 2014, every year basically he has been Chinese mainland cleaning up most of his assets every year, most of the Chinese mainland his real estate, assets, basically sold!

Then with countless funds to go to the UK to replace assets, buy a lot of infrastructure. This includes investing in a UK power company, bars, and more.

But these two days, the Li Ka-shing family suddenly began to look for buyers around the world. Ready to sell its largest asset in the UK, the UK power grid, at a price of 15 billion pounds, about 120 billion yuan! !

Although Li Ka-shing’s family did not explain the reason for the sudden sale of British assets.

However, combined with the current sudden looting and plundering of Russia’s rich in Western countries, everyone knows what the Li Ka-shing family is worried about.

If you want to say that this matter has nothing to do with the tragic experience of the Russian rich today, who will believe it?

Many people in Russia, the rich, the entrepreneurs; in the past they believed in the lies of capitalism. It has always been believed that the assets of capitalist countries are safe and free!

As long as they buy the assets of the country in which they live, they are protected by local laws and are sacrosanct.

Who would have thought,As soon as the war began, overnight all the wealth of the Russian rich, entrepreneurs, and people was robbed and plundered by the Western countries for no reason.

After all, everyone knows that most Of the Russian entrepreneurs, people, and rich people who flee abroad or transfer their assets abroad are not necessarily patriotic.

These people themselves have transferred all their assets because they do not believe in their own country.

The impact of this move on rich people like Li Ka-shing, as well as all kinds of rich people and Chinese who emigrated overseas, is undoubtedly super super huge.

The Western countries not only plunder the wealth and assets of the Russian people and the Russian rich.

The sports that Western countries used to flaunt have nothing to do with politics, and technology, music, and art have no borders, and now they have all been overthrown by their own punches.


Starting from Apple and Google’s blockade of Russia, coupled with Amazon, Microsoft, Meta, streaming giants Netflix and Roku cutting off Russia’s communication caliber,

In addition, PC giants HP, Dell, auto giants BMW, General Motors, Volvo, etc. have all cut off supply to Russia; as well as enterprise cloud service providers such as Oracle and SAP, as well as chip factories such as Intel, AMD, TSMC, etc. at the bottom of all electronic information equipment services.

The United States has mobilized dozens of technology giants to stop Russian services and completely cut off Russian Internet services! As well as chips, semiconductors, and basic services of science and technology!

*Technology knows no borders,* and this phrase now seems like a big joke.

*Sports* :

The Olympic Committee, FIVB, FIFA, FIFA (UEFA), ITTF, FIBA and FINA all prohibit Russians from participating.

Even Putin’s previous titles, including the title of Putin’s honorary president authorized by the International Jutsu Federation, *Putin’s black belt nine-dan title authorized by the World Taekwondo Federation. all are taken off!!

*Musical aspect * :

Including Valery Gergiev, principal conductor of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra in Germany, whose contract is still 3 years off for refusing to condemn Russia for being forcibly fired. Other than thatThe Russian soprano Neribeko was boycotted by the European classical music scene and forced to withdraw from the stage.

And the performances of various Russian performers, all of which were forced to stop!

*Academic, cultural* not to mention.

Even *Tchaikovsky*! Such a world-famous literary hero, now banned by Europe, is simply subverting my imagination.

As for the rest, they include _suspending teachers of Russian citizenship_ lectures, lectures; including books and exhibitions banning Russian writers. And so on.

Even the *innocent animal kingdom* is not immune.

The International Federation of Felines said: “To sanction all cats in Russia, * to prohibit all Russian cats from participating in exhibitions and competitions.

What’s more, even Russian plants and trees have been labeled as sanctions by Western countries.

According to foreign media reports, Russia’s famous *Turgenev Oak* (planted by the famous Russian writer Turgenev, blown off in a hurricane in 2021, when it was already 198 years old), this tree has been very famous before, and won the title of “Russian Tree of the Year” in 2021.

Now, this tree has also been sanctioned by Western countries.

*Democracy, freedom, science and technology without borders, culture, art, sports have nothing to do with politics*. Hahaha! The West has emphasized cultural beliefs for decades in the past, and has been known by countless countries to be a sacred mask that has been praised for decades! !

In a Russo-Ukrainian war, the mask was completely torn apart, revealing the “original face” ! ! !

What, *private property* sacrosanct!

What an oath to die * defend freedom of speech! *

What * sports, culture, art, technology without borders * ! !

It’s all *hypocritical* masks, the original masks of this world, in fact, it is still the same as in the past thousands of years! In essence, it is still the weak and the strong!

* The robber is still a robber! ! *

Even if the past hundred years or so, Western countries have put on suits, when it comes to competing for interests, they will still take off their suits and show their true faces! !
Source: Internet Today


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