Scientists’ conclusion: Heavy rains as a result of the epidemic’s spread!

Scientists’ conclusion: Heavy rains as a result of the epidemic’s spread!

By Karuna Thapa

Kathmandu, February 23


The Coronavirus epidemic has killed tens of millions of people around the world and caused
billions of dollars in harm, yet it has also benefited the ecosystem.

According to scientists, China has had record rains as a result of the disease, and the
environment has been cleaner as a result.

According to scientists, China’s record rainfall in 2020 is due to a substantial decline in greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants as a result of the lockdown.

Scientists believe that the reduction in greenhouse gases and microscopic dust particles known as aerosols has caused atmospheric change and enhanced precipitation rates.

In China’s summer of 2020, heavy rains killed hundreds of people and displaced millions.

Long-term emissions management, according to scientists, will not have such a detrimental
impact because the reduction in pollution has resulted in an immediate increase in outbreaks associated with heavy rainfall.

Flood warnings have been issued for June and July 2020, due to significant rainfall in portions of eastern China. Emissions reductions are thought to be responsible for around a third of the summer’s high rainfall, according to researchers.

According to data, the Yangtze River in China reached 1961 levels in June and July 2020. Flows were found to be 79 percent higher than the 41-year average flow.

Heavy rainfall in China is also attributed to a complex marine process that originated in the
Indian Ocean, according to several scientific studies.

Furthermore, researchers have discovered that something new is to blame for the Chinese rains and floods. According to him, the main cause of the heavy rain is a reduction in greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions due to the Covid 19 epidemic’s shutdown.

Summer rainfall in eastern and central China has declined dramatically in the previous four
decades, he claims, due to increased dust and pollution in the sky.

Coal furnaces emit the majority of polluting particles that end up in the atmosphere. Rainfall is also reduced as a result of the accumulation of dust in the atmosphere, which slows down the formation of large-scale hurricanes.

Researchers say that in the year 2020, due to the lockdown, such dust will not be able to enter the atmosphere and the emission of greenhouse gases will also decrease (Sourced from BBC).


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