CNOOC begins construction of 6 largest LNG storage tanks in the world

CNOOC begins construction of 6 largest LNG storage tanks in the world

China National Offshore Oil Corp (CNOOC) has started to construct the world’s largest liquefied natural gas or LNG storage tanks in Yancheng Binhai Port Industrial Park in East China’s Jiangsu province.

The project includes six new ultra-large tanks, which will have a total storage volume of 270,000 cubic meters and reach a height of 60 meters, equivalent to the height of the National Stadium or the Bird’s Nest, and can hold three Boeing 747s at the same time.

The Jiangsu LNG Binhai Receiving Station, which will house CNOOC’s six LNG storage tanks, is the largest LNG reserve base currently under construction in China.

Upon completion at the end of 2023, the project will include 10 tanks, including six new ultra-large tanks will have an annual LNG processing capacity of six million metric tons and will become the largest LNG storage base in China.

The Jiangsu LNG Binhai Receiving Station will play a key role in optimizing the country’s energy structure, protect the natural environment, accelerate the industrial transformation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and help China help the country keep its pledge to reach peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 .

Six million tons of liquefied natural gas represents sufficient supply for the entire population of Jiangsu Province for about 28 months, and reduce 28.5 million tons of carbon dioxide and 232,500 tons of sulfur dioxide, equivalent to planting 60 million trees.


Photo: courtesy of CNOOC


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