Chinese food delivery platform has 3,000 delivery staff who are also Party members: report

Chinese food delivery platform has 3,000 delivery staff who are also Party members: report

Chinese food delivery platform said the company now has 3,000 delivery staff who are also Party members, and its Party branch in Shanghai, which is China’s first-of-such-kind including delivery staff, has routinely organized a series of Party member volunteer activities, such as serving as volunteers for teaching fire safety knowledge, free food delivery for elderly people.

According to a report sent to the Global Times on Monday, has upgraded its delivery stations to service stations for delivery staff who are Party members. Those service stations also organize Party knowledge learning lessons regularly. Delivery staff are also able to apply for joining the Party through a one lick process at the service station. said Party member delivery staff has played an exemplary role in ensuring stable supply of food and daily necessities during the epidemic era.

For example, a delivery driver called Feng Tianlei voluntarily set up a free delivery team made up of over 10 people in Xi’an, Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province last year, when the coronavirus epidemic broke out at the city. The team managed to deliver traditional Chinese medicine during their free time, delivering more than 100 orders in two weeks.

The report also noted that 1.14 million delivery staff at the platform had achieved a stable income last year, with 1,877 of them being promoted to station and team leaders.


A food delivery person of Chinese food-delivery and online services provider Photo: IC



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