Night business will be open from today

Night business will be open from today

The closed night businesses will be open from Sunday due to the risk of corona-virus (Covid-19) infection.

As per the decision made by the District Administration Office, Kathmandu last week, night business will be open from February 13. Accordingly, night businesses like dance bars, rehearsal, dance halls, lounges, pubs, and clubs are open.

Health clubs and gyms have also come into operation since Sunday. The swimming pool and futsal have also come into operation since Sunday. The nighttime business can be run only till 10 o’clock at night. The decision of the district administration office states that the standards of public health and safety should be followed while conducting such business.

Hotels, restaurants, and casinos have already been decided to operate. Even in that process, the health standards prescribed against Corona should be followed.

Karuna Thapa


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