Electricity poles can be moved only if it is found suitable by technical inspection

Electricity poles can be moved only if it is found suitable by technical inspection

Kathmandu, February 7, 2022

The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has implemented the necessary process and criteria to move the electrical structures (wires, poles, transformers) of the distribution system
constructed to provide electricity service to the customers. NEA has made the work of moving the structure systematic through the procedure related to the transfer of electrical structure.

Arrangements have been made in the working procedure for the transfer of electrical structure, technical inspection, approval officer, expenses incurred during the transfer and the obligation to be fulfilled. NEA will relocate the structures including 400/230 volt (LT line), 11 kV and 33 kV line wires, poles and transformers connected to them only if it is possible after technical inspection.

In various urban areas of the country including Kathmandu Valley, requests have been made to NEA through government bodies, local levels, consumer committees, individuals / institutions to move the electrical structures in the course of road expansion.

Also, the authority has been pressured to move the poles, wires and transformers stating that it is not possible to use the land across the line between the individual lands. The NEA has made arrangements to move the electrical structure only if it is deemed appropriate by the technical inspection and if there is no protest at the place of transfer.

The NEA is confident that the procedure of transferring structures such as electric poles, wires, transformers, sanctioning authority and who will bear the cost of relocation is clearly provided in the working procedure.

NEA Executive Director Kulman Ghising said that a policy arrangement has been made to
address the complaints of various demands such as shifting of electrical infrastructure,
obstruction of urban beauty and obstruction of road expansion.

”We have heard that many people are trying to move the polls. We have set clear procedures and criteria to control and manage it,” said Ghising. The process of technical measurement will proceed as per the procedure, the structure will be moved only if it seems possible with options, otherwise it will remain the same.

If the transfer is deemed appropriate, the structure will be moved in the presence of the
applicant and local level representative.

Provision has been made to apply to the concerned local office of NEA for the transfer of such structure to the existing structure of NEA’s existing power distribution system on the land where the house / compound of the person / organization is located or on such land.

Along with the application, documents including citizenship, copy of wealth certificate,
recommendation of the concerned local level should be submitted. However, any office of the Government of Nepal or a government-owned entity will have to send a letter stating the reasons for the transfer.

The head of the local office of NEA should conduct a technical check within 15 days of receiving the application for transfer of structure. On-the-spot inspection of the site will be carried out on the basis of easy access to the maintenance of the electrical structure, the structure being organized and safe and not affecting others.

If it is deemed appropriate to transfer the structure, the head of the local office of NEA will
confirm the place of transfer with the consent of the concerned ward chairperson, at least one treaty of the place of transfer and the applicant.

If deemed appropriate, report including reasons, location details, line map, estimated cost
should be submitted. If transfer is not possible in the investigation, the applicant has to be
informed in writing.

Responsible persons have been assigned to approve the transfer if it seems appropriate in the on-site report through the procedure. The approval of 400/230 voltage level distribution line will be given by the concerned provincial / provincial division office head. Approval to move 11 kV level distribution line for road expansion will be given by the Deputy Executive Director of Distribution and Customer Service Directorate.

Approval will be given by the Executive Director to move 11 kV privately owned individuals / organization and 33 kV line for road expansion. The Board of Directors will approve the transfer of 33 kV and 11 kV ringmen lines owned by individuals / institutions. Provision has been made that the overhead line on private land cannot be undergrounded on the same land.

The applicant will have to arrange the place and route required for the transfer. If the consent of the concerned treaty and other bodies has to be obtained when the land has to be transferred and brought to the joint boundary, such consent has to be submitted in writing and the applicant should not have to pay the electricity tariff.

If the structure of other bodies (telecommunication, cable, drinking water, etc.) is affected, the consent of the concerned body has to be submitted. Seventy percent of the cost of relocating the electrical infrastructure at the request of the locality will be borne by the local level and the remaining thirty percent will be borne by the authority.

If the structure has to be transferred at the request of the person / institution / body, the
applicant will have to bear the entire cost. Cost estimates up to Rs. 500,000, Rs. 5,00,000-20,00,000.


By Karuna Thapa


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