Nationwide protest against corona vaccine in Canada

Nationwide protest against corona vaccine in Canada

Kathmandu, February 6

Protests in Canada against the coronavirus vaccination campaign have spread across the
country. Demonstrations against the covid vaccine have spread from the capital, Ottawa, to
other cities across the country.

Thousands of people marched peacefully in several Canadian cities on Saturday to protest
against the covid vaccine. According to Al Jazeera, other people started participating in the
demonstration started by the truck driver.

The capital has demonstrated almost five thousand people in Octoawa, police said. Protests
erupted in Toronto, Canada’s largest city. Quebec, Frederictz and Winnipeg also reported
protests against the covid vaccine.

”We’re tired of the mandatory rules, the terror and the big prisons,” Robert, a protester, told Reuters news agency.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and public health standards have been criticized by truck drivers crossing the Canadian-US border as ‘freedom convoys’.

Protesters have been blocking central Ottawa for eight days. But police said the protesters
relied on financial support from sympathizers in the United States. Ottawa residents,
meanwhile, have demanded 8 million in damages from protesters.

”Truck drivers have been terrorizing us for 7-8 days,” university student Saffron Binder told AFP.


By Karuna Thapa


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