Infection in more than 30 health workers of Bir HospitalInfection in more than 30 health workers of Bir Hospital

Infection in more than 30 health workers of Bir HospitalInfection in more than 30 health workers of Bir Hospital

Kathmandu, January 14

In the last few days, the risk of corona infection in health workers has been increasing. In the last two days, more than 30 employees of Bir Hospital have been infected with corona.
Head of Covid 19 Unified Hospital, Dr. Bhupendra Basnet says that there is a shortage of manpower as the number of health workers is increasing. The infection is spreading rapidly among the health workers working in different wards and ICUs. Basnet said.

On Thursday alone, more than 60 health workers were found infected at the TRI Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj.

Increasing number of hospital admissions

According to doctors, the admission rate of corona infected in the hospital has also increased.

Fourteen infected people have been admitted to the hospital last night alone. ‘The rate of hospital admissions has skyrocketed,’ says Dr. ”If the number of admissions increases at this rate, hospital beds will be filled in a few days,” Basnet told Online News.

According to him, most of the infected people admitted to the hospital have been vaccinated with both doses.

Experts have been saying that the re-infection is due to the declining antibody of the vaccine and low effectiveness of the vaccine used in Nepal.

At present, 53 infected people are undergoing treatment in Bir. According to the hospital
administration, up to 500 beds can be operated. Three hundred generals, two hundred HDUs, one hundred ICUs can be operated. Basnet informed.


By Karuna Thapa


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