Team mobilization for man-eating tiger control

Team mobilization for man-eating tiger control

Kathmandu, January 14

A team has been deployed to monitor and control the tiger attack in Nawalparasi (east of
Bardaghat-Susta). The park has started monitoring and control of tigers after the increase in tiger attacks in Binai Triveni village of the district.

Information Officer of Chitwan National Park and Assistant Conservation Officer Ganesh Prasad Tiwari said that a team of three elephants has been mobilized from the park in Binai Triveni area. ”The area attacked by the tigers is in the national forest, not the park area,” Tiwari said. ”But we have started monitoring and searching for the tigers in collaboration with the Division Forest Office, Nawalpur.” A team of rangers, technicians and security personnel including elephants have been deployed to monitor the tigers, said Information Officer Tiwari.

”We have been informed that tigers have attacked humans in the forest area, so we are monitoring the tigers that are attacking humans through camera trapping,” said Tiwari. Work can be done, so after monitoring, the tiger can be controlled. ‘ Stating that it is a ‘risk’ to control the tigers, Tiwari said that a letter has been sent to the Department of National Parks and Wildlife and the work of controlling the tigers will be taken forward after receiving a written order from the National Park.

”The tiger is not an animal that lives in the same place as we think, it walks in a large area,” Tiwari said. Two people have been eaten by a tiger in the area around Dumkibas for a month and a half and one person was seriously injured in the attack a week ago. The tigers attacked the intermediate zone outside the park and the national forest area.

Two people have been killed and another seriously injured in a tiger attack and locals have stopped going to the forest. The locals are terrified after the tigers went to the forest to graze their four-legged animals. A week after the Binai Triveni Municipality sent a letter to the Chitwan National Park and District Forest Office requesting to control the tigers, the park has sent a team to control the tigers.

The tiger has also eaten cattle in the hilly area of ​​Nawalpur. Cameras have also been set up in the area for trapping tigers. Information Officer Tiwari said that it would take some time to control the tigers as it is difficult to find out whether the tigers that attack people and eat cattle are the same or different tigers. A woman of Madhyabindu Municipality-12 was killed in a tiger attack at Dumkibas in Nawalpur on Mangsir 11and went to a forest near her house on Poush 16 to pick vegetables.


By Karuna Thapa


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