Someone transferred in 15 days, someone in the same office for 9 years

Kathmandu, January 2

Minister for Federal Affairs and Administration Rajendra Shrestha expressed his commitment to transfer the staff from the cyclical system as soon as he comes to the ministry. Law Minister Dilendra Badu also reiterated this commitment in a public program last Thursday. But the cyclical system that ministers have repeatedly called for has never been implemented.

The biggest irregularity in the civil service is in staff transfers. Trade unions, trade unions, employee leaders affiliated with the organisation and people with access are transferred to any place they want. He will not be transferred unless he wants to, but those who do not have access will be transferred quickly. Such irregularities have taken place in all government bodies.

The situation is similar in the Ministry of Urban Development. Within a few days of Ram Kumari Jhankri’s arrival at the Ministry of Urban Development, she transferred 18 high-ranking officials at the same time. It is reported today that even after that, the process of transferring high-ranking employees under the ministry is continuing.

By Muna Chand


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