Beijing backs Hong Kong SAR gov’t in tackling separatism

A spokesperson from the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council on Saturday expressed resolute support to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government’s lawful handling of “Hong Kong independence” activities.

The spokesperson made the comments targeting “Hong Kong independence” remarks made by University of Hong Kong associate professor Benny Tai Yiu Ting.

“We resolutely hold and support the HKSAR government handling ‘Hong Kong independence’ activists’ collusion with external separatist forces in accordance with the law, to safeguard China’s sovereignty and security, as well as maintain Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity, stability and the fundamental interests of its society,” said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson said that “we have taken note of University of Hong Kong associate professor Benny Tai Yiu Ting recently participating in a meeting of ‘Taiwan independence’ organization in Taiwan and blatantly preaching ‘Hong Kong independence’,” and “we also noticed that the HKSAR government expressed strong condemnation over the event.”

A handful of people in Hong Kong have colluded with outside separatist forces, blatantly preaching “Hong Kong independence,” the spokesperson said. “This has exposed their attempt to split our country and has severely violated the Constitution of China, the Basic Law of the HKSAR and relevant laws in Hong Kong.”

“This is a challenge to the bottom line of the ‘one country, two systems’ principle,” said the spokesperson. “We will not turn a deaf ear to or tolerate such kind of activities.”


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