China’s five-starred red flags raised across country on first day of 2022, with blessings sent from Mars

China’s five-starred red flags raised across country on first day of 2022, with blessings sent from Mars

The first day of 2022 is brimming with blessings and joy, as five-starred red flags of China were raised across the country, in schools, snow-capped mountains, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Galwan Valley. And the farthest best wish was sent from Mars.

With the first ray of sunshine of the New Year and the magnificent National anthem, China’s national flag was raised at Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, attracting thousands of residents. After the ceremony, a military band played “Ode to the Motherland.” With the melody, tens of thousands of doves were taking off at the Square.

In a video sent to the Global Times, in the Galwan Valley near the border with India, under the characters “Never yield an inch of land,” PLA soldiers sent their new year greetings to the Chinese people. “We pledge to the motherland to guard the border,” the soldiers said in the video.

With the majestic national anthem, the PLA soldiers of Western Theater Command who were training on a plateau solemnly saluted the national flag as a drone on the snow-capped mountains raised the five-starred red flag on Saturday, sending their best wishes to the motherland.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) released new images taken by the Tianwen-1 Mars probe on the first day of the new year, including photos of the orbiter with the Red Planet, Zhurong rover on Mars surface and the Mars North Pole glacier. As of December 31, 2021, orbiter of the Tianwen-1, which is about 350 million kilometers from Earth, has circled Mars for 526 days. Zhurong rover has worked on the surface of Mars for 225 Martian days and trekked 1,400 meters.

Beyond that, the first national flag-raising ceremonies of 2022 were also seen at primary and high schools in Hong Kong, as well as the city’s Golden Bauhinia Square. Starting from 2022, all schools in Hong Kong will hold flag-raising ceremonies.

Meanwhile, Chinese social media was filled with blessings from netizens from across the country to the motherland. Many reached by the Global Times said they harbor great confidence in the motherland. With the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country will be more prosperous and stronger.



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