Running parliament during blockade is against parliamentary tradition: Prem Suwal

Running parliament during blockade is against parliamentary tradition: Prem Suwal

Kathmandu, December 21

Nepal Mazdur Kisan Party (NMKP) MP Prem Suwal has objected that the main opposition party, CPN-UML, was holding a sit-in while the parliament was being obstructed.

After Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota put forward the agenda of the parliament on Tuesday amid UML’s obstruction, MP Suwal objected saying that doing so would be against the parliamentary tradition.

He also drew the serious attention of Speaker Sapkota to the fact that a patriotic agreement like the MCC should not be passed during the parliamentary blockade. He also demanded the repeal of the agreement saying it was patriotic.

MP Suwal said, “It is not a parliamentary tradition to move the agenda forward when the main opposition is obstructing the parliament.” The agenda should not be pushed forward. It is appropriate to postpone the parliament and hold talks with the main opposition party. Preparations will be made to introduce ordinances and bills during the parliamentary blockade and to pass the MCC agreement in the same manner. We oppose that. ‘

During the meeting, UML lawmakers chanted slogans against the party, including conspiracy to split the party, maintaining parliamentary supremacy, and stopping partisan behavior. However, the UML parliamentarians are still sitting amidst loud slogans.

By Karuna Thapa


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