Gabriel Boric, 35, elected President of Chile

Gabriel Boric, 35, elected President of Chile

Kathmandu, December 20

A 35-year-old man has been elected president of the Latin American country of Chile.
Communist youth leader Gabriel Boric has been elected president of Chile. Boric was elected president after defeating right-wing rival Jose Antonio Cast by 12 percent of the vote.

Boric is a leader who emerged from student politics. He was a key figure in the student
movement's demand for free university education in 2011-12. He won the 2013 election as an independent candidate in the lower house of parliament. In 2017, he also won with more votes than the previous time. He is currently a member of the Progressive Social Convergence Party, part of the left-wing Broad Front bloc in Parliament.

By Karuna Thapa


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