Assembly passed the bill to creation of two new districts in Sikkim

Assembly passed the bill to creation of two new districts in Sikkim

Gangtok, December 8 (IPR): The third and final day of the Fifth Session of the Tenth Assembly of Sikkim Legislative Assembly began with discussions and voting over the two new Bills and one Amendment Bill that were moved for consideration in the House during the Legislative Business on 7th December, 2021.

During the discussion over the Sikkim (Re-Organization of Districts) Bill, 2021 (Bill No. 15 of 2021) moved by Minister, Land Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Shri Kunga Nima Lepcha, for consideration, MLA Namcheybung, Shri Em Prasad Sharma, on behalf of the people of Pakyong Sub-Division extended gratitude to the State government for declaring Pakyong to be amongst the two new districts to be operational in the State.

Likewise, MLA Soreng-Chakhung, Shri Aditya Golay, also expressed gratitude to the State Government for bestowing the district status to Soreng Sub-Division, the functioning of which will provide easy access to the district administration for people from remote areas under constituencies covered by the present Soreng Sub-Division. He also placed his suggestions about training on e-District for staff and officers to strengthen and advocate transparent administration in Soreng and called for strong legislation on traffic management and water resource planning.

After discussion and voting, the Sikkim (Re-Organization of Districts) Bill, 2021 (Bill No. 15 of 2021) was passed by the House.

Minister, Education Department, Shri Kunga Nima Lepcha, moved the Sikkim State University (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Bill No. 16 of 2021) for consideration of the House. The Bill was passed after discussion and voting by the House.

Thereafter, Minister, Education Department, Shri Kunga Nima Lepcha, moved the Sikkim Skill University Bill, 2021, (Bill No. 17 of 2021) for consideration of the House.

Replying to the suggestions put forth by MLA Shri D.T. Lepcha, Minister, Education Department, Shri K.N. Lepcha, said that the basic purpose of the new Sikkim Skill University is to equip students with quality skill education to prepare them for accessing employment opportunities in and outside the State of Sikkim.

While welcoming the suggestions made by the MLA, Shri K.N. Lepcha added that the setting up of the Skill University at Namthang Rateypani will not only open up access to higher education and opportunities for the people of the constituency but will also help in boosting the development activities in the area.

After discussion and voting, the Sikkim Skill University Bill, 2021, (Bill No. 17 of 2021) was passed by the House.

Thereafter, Chief Minister, Shri Prem Singh Tamang, also the Minister-in-Charge, Finance Department, presented the CAG Reports/Separate Audit Reports in the House.

The following CAG Reports/Separate Audit Reports were presented:

i) Finance Accounts Volume I & II and the Appropriation Accounts of the Government of Sikkim for the financial year 2019-20.

ii) Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Economic, Revenue and General Sectors for the year ended March 2019 (Report No. 2 of 2021).

iii) State Finances Audit Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended March 2020 (Report No. 3 of 2021).

iv) Annual Consolidated Audit and Review Report on the Accounts of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Municipalities for the financial year 2019-20.

v) Separate Audit Report on the Accounts of Sikkim State Commission for Women, Gangtok for the year ended 31st March 2019.

vi) Separate Audit Report on the Accounts of Sikkim State Electricity Regulatory Commission, Gangtok for the year ended 31st March 2019.

Subsequently, the following Papers were laid on the table of the House:

Chief Minister Shri Prem Singh Tamang, also the Minister-in-Charge, Home Department laid the copy of the Private Security Agencies (Private Security to Cash, Transportation Activities) Rules, 2020 & the Sikkim Private Security Agencies Rules, 2021 on the Table of the House.

Minister, Food and Civil Supplies Department, Shri Arun Upreti laid the copy of Rules and Notifications issued under the National Food Security Act, 2013 on the Table of the House.

Thereafter, Chairperson, House Committee (2021-22), Shri G.T. Dhungel, presented the Fourth Report of the House Committee on the issues about the Members of Sikkim Legislative Assembly.

Thereafter, Speaker, Shri L.B. Das, announced the presentation of Annual Reports of Commission/Departments before the House.

The Chief Minister and Leader of the House, Shri Prem Singh Tamang in his valedictory remarks thanked the Speaker and Deputy Speaker for the successful conduct of the Assembly Session, and Members of the Sikkim Legislative Assembly for their active participation in the debates and deliberations during the three-day Assembly Session. He thanked the Members for passing the three Bills introduced during the Session in the larger interest of the people of Sikkim.

Speaking about the Sikkim (Re-Organization of Districts) Bill, 2021, the Chief Minister termed it a historic Bill which will bring positive results in future, especially for people residing in far-flung areas.

Likewise, he expressed happiness that the Khangchendzonga State University, Sikkim, in due course of time, will move from the confines of Nar Bahadur Bhandari Degree College to a campus of its own at Temi Tarku in South Sikkim.

On the Sikkim Skill University Bill, 2021, the Chief Minister said that the new University will train the youth in specific skills thus making them employable within and outside the State. He added that the University will be a boon for the people of Namthang Rateypani constituency.

Responding to a point raised by MLA Shri D.R. Thapa during the Question Hour on 7th December regarding the Companies Act, the Chief Minister reiterated that the Government has already constituted a Committee under the chairmanship of Justice S.P. Wangdi, former Judge, High Court of Sikkim, and former Judicial Member, National Green Tribunal, to examine and review the Registration of Companies (Sikkim) Act 1961.

Responding to points raised by MLA Shri D.T. Lepcha in his valedictory remarks, Chief Minister Shri Prem Singh Tamang informed the House that interviews for vacant posts in various departments are being carried out regularly by the SPSC. The Skilled Youth Startup Scheme and the Mega Homestay Project are initiatives taken by the Government to encourage the youth towards entrepreneurship and self-reliance. The recent tie-up of the Government with Kota based coaching institute ‘Allen Career Institute’ for providing career guidance to the Sikkimese youth for various competitive examinations is yet another step taken in the direction of youth empowerment.

The Chief Minister further stated that the Government is laying great emphasis on the tourism sector as it is the backbone of the economy for the State of Sikkim. Likewise, incentives in the dairy, agriculture and animal husbandry sectors have helped strengthen the rural economy to a large extent.

Speaking on law and order in the State, the Chief Minister informed the House that the crime rate in the State has come down by 7% since the formation of the present Government. He said that the Government is committed to ensuring efficient law and order in the State. Speaking on the issue of substance abuse, the Chief Minister stated that there has been a marked decrease in the SADA cases in the State in the past two years.

Speaking about the State’s handling of the first and second wave of Covid-19, the Chief Minister said that Sikkim was successful to a great extent in controlling the pandemic due to the proactive role of the medical fraternity and the support and resolve of the people of Sikkim. He said that vital support such as oxygen, injection, medicine, and other resources was made available throughout. He expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister for his support and strength to deal with the pandemic. Speaking about the emergence of the new variant named Omicron, he called for the need to take utmost precaution and follow the basic protocol.

The Chief Minister thanked MLA Shri Y.T. Lepcha for his suggestions during his valedictory remarks.

Responding to the points raised by MLA Shri D.R. Thapa during his valedictory remarks, the Chief Minister said that the ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ scheme of the Central Government is a boon for the State as it will help curb illegal influx, curtail corruption and eradicate the system of middlemen. He welcomed the suggestion of the MLA to devise a system of creating a database of migrant labourers from other States.

Responding to a question regarding financial incentives to doctors and medical staff, the Chief Minister said that in the first phase, the Government has provided incentives to the ASHAs, which will soon be extended to other health workers. Regarding the issue of shortage of teachers, the Chief Minister said that regular interviews are being conducted by the State Teachers’ Recruitment Board to meet the requirements. He said that this one-time interview will ensure that they will be regularised after completing eight years of probation, as per the New Policy established by the Government. Further, the Government has ensured that all the vacant posts of Principal are filled through interviews, as a result of which all senior secondary schools now have a Principal.

The Chief Minister also apprised the House of the Awards and Honours received by the State in the year 2021, which are as follows:

1. Award for Most Improved Small State in Environment.

2. Award for Most Improved Small State in Law and Order.

3. Award for Best performing Small State in Economy.

4. Award for Most Film Friendly State.

5. Award for Best Governance in the Small States.

6. First Fully Vaccinated State (first dose) and 92% Population provided the second dose.

7. Sustainable Development Goals Award for Best District under the North Eastern States of India – East District of Sikkim judged 1st, South District 6th, North District 14th and West District of Sikkim bagged the 17th position.

Among other achievements, the Chief Minister mentioned about the recent allotment of 50 additional seats per year for Sikkimese students in the Sikkim Manipal Medical College.

In conclusion, the Chief Minister once again thanked everyone involved in making the Assembly Session a success, and extended his greetings to the people of Sikkim for the upcoming festivals.

Speaker, Sikkim Legislative Assembly, Shri L.B. Das in his valedictory remarks thanked the Chief Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Members of the House for their participation in the proceedings of the Session. He thanked and congratulated the Members for passing two new Bills and one Amendment Bill framed for the development of the State and the welfare of the people. The Speaker thanked the State Chief Secretary, DGP, Heads of Departments, officers of various departments, members of the media, police personnel and everyone involved in ensuring smooth conduct of the three-day Assembly Session.

Thereafter, the Session came to an end with the Speaker adjourning the House Sine-Die.


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