Beijing, Hong Kong firms sign investment deals worth $8.8 billion
面对外围经济放缓、中美贸战,再加上本港政局动荡,大行纷纷看淡本港经济及港股前景,继星展看港股最淡可见16800点后,摩根士丹利亦发表报告,指因应贸易紧张局势,社会动荡和较高的利率,将香港2019年经济增长预测由1%下调至负0.3%,并料今年第三季经济增长跌至负1.5%,创约10年低位。同时,大摩亦认为恒指在今年较后时间的「不利情况」中可能会跌至21500;倘全球经济陷入衰退中,指数更会跌至17600水平。 至于昨日港股在四日急涨逾千点后,稍为回落,收报26231微吐60点;国指走势较好,收报10132,上扬23点;大市成交缩减至794亿元。内地股市反复偏软。上证指数结束四连升势,收报2880,跌0.11%;深成指数收报9328,下跌不足一点;两市成交合计缩减至5237亿元人民币。 摩根士丹利因为中美贸易紧张、外围动荡、本港息率较高等因素,将香港经济增长预测,从1%下调至负增长0.3%,今年第三季增长率料将按年下跌1.5%创10年低位。 大摩指出资金外流可能推动港元兑美元汇率跌至7.85,随 总结余减少,银行拆息将更加波动。 年内楼价最多跌一成 大摩预料未来9至12个月本地住宅楼价可能最多下跌一成,并下调香港地产行业评级至与大市同步。该行认为,恒指今年较后时间在「不利情况」下可能会跌至21500点,并把明年6月恒指在24400点视为基本情况,料在全球经济衰退中,恒指会跌至17600点,建议投资者采取守势。 美延华为禁令 提振手机股 蓝筹股腾讯(700)午后突然急插,成为拖低大市的元凶,收降1.01%报333.4元;中移动(941)升1.51%收报67.25元;友邦(1299)跌1.09%收报77.4元;国指新贵旺旺(151)回吐2.33%收报6.3元,跑输一众蓝筹股。 华为获美国延长禁令宽限期90天,消息带动手机相关股向好,通达(698)飙10%收报0.55元;舜宇(2382)弹4.87%收报105.6元;小米(1810)收市后放榜,股价一度涨4.49%,最后收升3.17%报9.43元。(详见表) 人民银行副行长刘国强强调,新贷款市场报价利率机制(LPR)形成机制不会使房贷利率下降,并表示坚决贯彻落实「房住不炒」的原则,言论拖累内房股表现偏软。恒大(3333)回落2.47%收报18.16元;新城(1030)降1.84%收报6.4元;碧桂园(2007)降1.8%收报9.82元。 耀才证券研究部总监植耀辉看淡港股后市走势,由上周四(15日)低位起,恒指已反弹约1400点,上升幅度可谓不小,惟中美贸战变数持续演化,加上中港及环球经济状况未明,恒指于二万六关获得短暂支持,万一外围情况恶化,指数回落至二万五水平的机会亦偏高。 财经

Beijing, Hong Kong firms sign investment deals worth $8.8 billion


Enterprises in Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) signed 11 agreements at the 24th Beijing Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium held on Monday. The overall investment value for the 11 agreements reached $8.814 billion, Beijing Daily reported.

The 11 agreements consisted of one cooperation program and 10 investment programs and covered different aspects including biological medicine, artificial intelligence, public health and new energy. Multiple leading enterprises from Hong Kong will enter Beijing to boost local development after the contracts were signed.

The cooperation targeting climate change between Beijing and Hong Kong was also mentioned at the symposium.

Hui Ching-yu, secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau of Hong Kong, said at the opening ceremony of the symposium that since 2018, Hong Kong has issued $7.25 billion in “green bonds” to combat global climate change.

Two months ago, the authorities in Shenzhen, South China’s Guangdong Province issued an offshore RMB bond in Hong Kong, part of which is to be used for sustainable development. Hui noted that Hong Kong issued $12 billion in “green debt” in 2020 and 60 percent of debt issuers were from the Chinese mainland.

“We encourage enterprises and institutions to invest in the sustainable development industry based on Hong Kong’s financing platform and services,” said Hui.

By the end of September 2021, 17,782 Hong Kong enterprises had settled in Beijing. A total of 576 enterprises from Hong Kong opened branches in Beijing from January to September, with $10.63 billion of investment value, a year-on-year increase of 27.4 percent.


Global Times


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