Taiwan media claim cross-Straits crisis to be relieved as Beijing 2022 approaches, but there’s ‘no vacation for reunification efforts’

The view of Taipei Photo: VCG

With a sense of cowardly taunting, media on the island of Taiwan on Friday said that despite continuing cross-Strait tensions, Chinese mainland may hold off plans to “invade Taiwan” until the conclusion of the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

The report by udn.com dubbed “Is the Taiwan Straits crisis temporarily over?” was against the backdrop of the proposal of 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, in which the Beijing Winter Olympic Truce Resolution drafted by China and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was adopted.

A total of 173 countries participated in the proposal, the highest number of countries to propose the truce resolution in recent editions of the Winter Olympics, the Taiwan media stressed, seemingly embolden.

Many Taiwan net users said Taiwan media were again suffering from a collective delusion as the mainland has never said officially that they want reunification by force, and there is no specific timetable for reunification.

“How does a real war care about truce resolution? The purpose of it should be to remind once again that the Taiwan question is an internal affair of China,” said one Taiwan net user.

It is the second time that China has submitted a truce resolution to the UN General Assembly in 14 years since the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games, China’s permanent representative to the UN Zhang Jun addressed Thursday’s General Assembly.

Zhang called on countries to take the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics as an opportunity to resolve differences through dialogue, replace confrontation with cooperation, enhance mutual understanding and safeguard world peace and development.

The Olympic truce is a peace campaign sponsored by the IOC in accordance with the tradition of the sacred truce of the Olympic Games in Ancient Greek. In 1993, the 48th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution submitted at the initiative of the IOC, calling on UN members to observe the Olympic Truce from seven days before the start of the Olympic Games (including Paralympic Games). Since then, the UN General Assembly has adopted the truce by consensus consecutive 14 times in a row.

Some observers said the mainland should guard against the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities using the occasion of Winter Olympics, a symbol of unity and peace, to provoke mainland and accelerate the push for secession, as Taiwan media’s article gives some insight into the thinking of some on the island.

“Some people in the island should not take the 2022 Winter Olympics as their talisman… the Beijing Winter Games are not a vacation for reunification efforts,” Wang Yu-Ching, a Taiwan cross-Straits observer who lives in the mainland, told the Global Times on Friday.

He warned that the island should not remain under the illusion that the mainland will sit idly by and accept secessionists’ provocation just because of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The DPP authorities should face the fact that it is the international consensus to oppose provoking cross-Straits relations and stick to the one-China principle, observers said.

After mainland punished secessionists’ investors, Taiwan provocations against the mainland have not abated. Taiwan’s mainland affairs council said on Thursday that activities related to the Straits Forum, the largest non-political cross-Straits platform promoting culture, economic and trade exchanges, will be banned in Taiwan.

Whether the Chinese mainland to take “necessary measures” is dependent on the actions of the DPP authorities. If the DPP authorities remain unrepentant, we will see the results, Wang said.


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