Logo and slogan of the 10th General Convention of UML made public

Logo and slogan of the 10th General Convention of UML made public

CPN (UML) has unveiled the logo and slogan of the 10th General Convention.

At a press conference held at the party’s office in Chasal today, party general secretary Ishwor Pokharel unveiled the logo and slogan of the convention.

The slogan is – ‘Let Us Rightist opportunism and Organizational Anarchy and Determine the Basis of Socialism under Guideline of People’s Multi-party Democracy’, while the rhinoceros in the logo carries the party’s flag. The 10th general convention of the CPN-UML is scheduled to be held in Chitwan from Kartik 26 to 27. Work is underway to select delegates from all over the country for the General Convention.

By Muna Chand


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