China slams Australia’s ‘China threat’ rhetoric

China slams Australia’s ‘China threat’ rhetoric



Wu Qian File photo; CFP

The blatant hyping of the “China threat theory” and baseless accusations of China fully exposes some Australian officials’ cold war mentality and ideological bias, which go against the global trend of peace and undermine regional stability as well the interests of Australia, Wu Qian, the spokesperson of China’s Ministry of National Defense, said on Friday.

Wu’s remarks came after Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton claimed on Wednesday that “activities and rhetoric of Beijing officials had grown increasingly bellicose and coercive” and China’s military development undermines global stability, the Canberra Times reported.

Wu said that the Australian defense official’s groundless accusation and attack on China are extremely dangerous and irresponsible, and China expressed strong discontent and opposition.

China upholds a peaceful development pattern and its defense policy is defensive in nature. It never initiatives any wars or conflicts nor does it invade one inch of other countries’ territory. It poses no threat to any country, Wu said, noting that China has always been the builder of global peace and defender of the international order.

Some people in Australia are willingly serving as the pawn of the US to contain China. Their toxic rhetoric has seriously poisoned the atmosphere for the development of relations between the two militaries and the two countries and undermined the regional efforts of Asia Pacific countries on maintaining peace and stability, Wu said.

“We urge Australian politicians to respect the facts, stop hyping up the ‘China threat’ and taking China as the imaginary enemy,” Wu noted, adding that Australia should immediately correct its mistake and stop irresponsible remarks against China to avoid further damages to bilateral ties.

Global Times


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