<strong>A vote of confidence in Lumbini Chief Minister KC</strong>

A vote of confidence in Lumbini Chief Minister KC

Lumbini Chief Minister KulBahadur KC has received avote of confidence. In theLumbiniProvincial Assembly polls held on Monday. 42 votes were cast in favor of KC. No one voted in opposition, while one MP remained neutral.

The Lumbini Provincial Assembly currently has 80 members. In favorof KC, 19 MPs of Nepali Congress, 19 MPs of Maoists, 3 MPs of Janata Samajwadi Party and 1 MP of Janamorcha have given vote of confidence to the Chief Minister. Apart from the Speaker, 43 MPs were presented at the polls. One MP has remained neutral.

The main opposition party CPN-UML has boycotted the meeting. A coalition government led by KC was formed after the UML parliamentary party leader Shankar Pokharel’s government resigned with a minority vote.

Number of State Assembly Members: 80
Attendance: 43
In favor: 42
In opposition:0
Neutral: 1

By Muna Chand


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