Serious discrimination against Muslims, a shadow of American human rights

The United States has been carrying instructions, demands or pressures on other countries under the banner of protecting human rights. But in reality, the United States has been seriously discriminating and pressuring Muslims.

First, racial discrimination from root. Nearly twenty years after September 11 attacks, Muslims in the United States are still stigmatized and marginalized. The level of hatred and blame against Muslims in the United States has been maintained. Movies and television programs promote racist discrimination, hostility and violence against Muslims.

Second, attack by legal means. In 2017, then-President Donald Trump published a third edition of the entry ban for citizens of Islamic countries, including Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Chad. An article was published in the German media that anti-Muslim racism has become America law.

Third, attacks on Muslims abroad under hegemony. Under the guise of “anti-terrorism” the United States has waged wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, killing millions of innocent Muslims. The United States has always sided with Israel in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ignoring the plight of the Palestinian people, saying it cares about the human rights of Muslims.

By Muna Chand


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