Prachanda-Madhav Nepal group to protest against dissolution of parliament

The Prachanda-Madhav Nepal faction of the Communist Party of Nepal (NCp) is going to protest against the dissolution of the parliament.

A meeting of the Prachanda-Nepal-led NCP (NCP) held at the Karki Party Palace in Babarmahal on Thursday decided to go to the Supreme Court at 10 am and the Election Commission at 12 noon on Friday.

The meeting has formed a 2501-member agitation mobilization committee under the leadership of spokesperson Narayan Kaji Shrestha.

Similarly, it has been decided to convene a meeting of the provincial committee on December 26 and district level meetings in 77 districts on December 27. Similarly, protests have been organized in the capital and all the districts on December 29 and it has been announced that more powerful demonstrations will be held in the capital.

Similarly, party meetings and gatherings will be held in all towns and villages till January 4 and party meetings and gatherings will be organized in all wards till January 9.


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