<strong>Recollecting a Great Statesman</strong>

Recollecting a Great Statesman

Eight years have passed since the demise of Kim Jong Il, eternal chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Memory dims over time, as the saying goes. However, the Korean people are still yearning for their leader.

Affectionate and Optimistic

As a boy, he was tender-hearted and cheerful. He liked mingling with his friends and other people. As he was understanding, sensible and sympathetic, his friends opened their hearts to him. There prevailed a vigorous and cheerful mood wherever he was.

He liked listening to music or reading books.

In his school days he created good poems and songs like “Our Classroom,” “What is Friendship,” “Song of Best Wishes” and “My Mother.”

He also had a flair for music. He once said his first love was music. By dint of his profound musical knowledge he led the sector of literature and the arts, thereby bringing about an upswing in opera, drama, cinema and music from the 1970s.
As for his expert-level guidance in the production of cinema, a Chinese journal commented: Chairman Kim Jong Il was well versed in cinema. While working at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, he rendered great services to the development of cinematic art.

Energetic and Passionate

Kim Jong Il’s old teacher in his primary school days commented:

“Kim Jong Il has a disposition only to progress like a swift current and without stagnation.

“Kim Jong Il persists in everything he undertakes until he completes it.”
Upon undertaking anything, he concentrated on it without noticing what was going on around himself. One day he was so engrossed in reading a book that he was not aware of thunder cracking outdoors.

His broad knowledge was the fruition of his natural gift and tireless passion.
He read a mountain of books to formulate President Kim Il Sung’s revolutionary theories. Despite his hectic work schedule during the day, he used to spend the night giving guidance over the creation of literary and artistic works.

The speed campaign gained momentum in this country, a basic mode of creative endeavour for enlisting all forces and forging ahead projects as rapidly as possible, while ensuring their best possible quality. As a work style embodying Kim Jong Il’s creative method, it became a powerful driving force for the active promotion of socialist construction in the DPRK.

Compassionate and Virtuous

Chairman Kim Jong Il had a strong sense of moral obligation.

According to one of his childhood friends, he had a unique appeal of fascinating people at once. This was based on his unselfish affection and ennobling personality.

He always helped his friends with sincerity, especially when they or their family members had trouble. There are many episodes about his warm affection; giving his raincoat to one of his classmates on a rainy day and giving his new padded clothes to another in the post-war days.
For decades he showed close concern for his old teachers in his secondary school and university days. When the officials, who supported him with loyalty, passed away, he took paternal care of the bereaved families.
One needs to think over why Korean society is called a great harmonious family.


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