Trump team aims to control White House

Trump team aims to control White House

The outgoing Trump administration on Thursday carried out several measures against China, including reducing the US visitor visa’s validity period for Communist Party of China (CPC) members and their family from 10 years to one month, and blacklisting four Chinese companies such as chipmaker SMIC and oil producer CNOOC. And US intelligence chief John Ratcliffe published a hysterical anti-China op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.

He wrote that China is “the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since World War II” and that “China robs US companies of their intellectual property, replicates the technology, and then replaces the US firms in the global marketplace.” He said “China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities.”

Ratcliffe adopted the same approach as Hollywood-made Captain America to China. When he was interviewed by Fox News, he sent a message to the Biden team asking the new administration to view China as “the greatest national security threat that we face.”

The Trump team is insanely rolling out new anti-China policies, in a bid to rashly do what they want to do. They are making a concerted effort to make use of the remaining weeks to damage the next four years of China-US relations to the greatest extent. Given the importance of China-US relations to human peace, what the current US administration is doing is not only politically irresponsible, but also anti-human. In a nutshell, they are committing a crime.

The China-US relationship will have a profound impact on the nature of international relations. This US administration, while coming to an end, does not even hide its intention to create a new cold war in the world. Confrontation between major powers means huge costs to humanity, which will seriously weaken the ability of the international community to allocate more resources to improve people’s livelihood. But the Trump team has been trying hard to root out China-US relations as if they are bewitched.

This is one of their extreme acts that show that they do not admit their election loss. Although they are leaving, they want their radical China approaches to stay and force the Biden team to confront China through the route they designed. At least in China relations, they want to make the incoming administration another Trump one, but with a Biden mask.

Besides consolidating their new cold war political legacy, the Trump team wants to create trouble for the Biden team to pave the way for the election of a Republican president four years from now. If the Biden administration adopts the current measures, the Trump team could claim credit. If the Biden administration adjusts its China stance, the Republicans can lash out at Biden for being soft on China. This is a big trap.

There has not been a US administration so deliberately lying in ruins for the next administration. The Trump government wants to control China-US relations cross-term, which is like locking a few important offices in the White House and taking the keys with them.

If the current US administration is dead-set on consuming US diplomatic and security assets before leaving and overdrawing US power to destroy China-US relations and world peace, it is the tragedy the US and the world need to face. This administration has destroyed the US anti-virus endeavor. The daily deaths in the US could equal the number of deaths when September 11 occurred. If the current US administration is allowed to damage future China-US relations at will, it means they will leave the malicious political virus to humanity.

Biden Trump Cover Photo: VCG

Global Times


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