Beijing prepared for Trump’s final madness, hysteria on China policy

China has been prepared for a “final act of the madness” from the Trump administration and its staged hysteria on China-related issues, as it is highly likely that the incumbent US president will take much more extreme measures on issues such as the South China Sea, the island of Taiwan and China’s high tech sector, the moves which are also seen as “setting obstacles” for Biden in his foreign policies, experts said.

After imposing new restrictions on US investment in 31 Chinese companies and denying that Taiwan island is part of China, US President Trump will enact a series of hardline policies during his final 10 weeks, including a crackdown on China over so-called “forced labor” in Xinjiang, as well as sanctions on officials and companies with connections to Hong Kong, according to US news site

The move also aims to cement Trump’s legacy on China, the media report said, citing senior US officials. His political legacies on China will be widely known for its toughness including the launching of a yearlong trade war, leading the global suppression against Chinese high tech companies, smear and blame campaign over the coronavirus epidemic, and consulate closure. During his four-year tenure, the China and US relationship has hit its lowest point in decades, while his all-out anti-China stance has been supported by GOP and his voters.

“Being tough on China is seen as Trump’s diplomatic achievement, which has been widely applauded in the US. Any turnaround at the point would be seen as a ‘slap in the face’ and it’s now his final chance to play this card to the maximum extent,” Xin Qiang, deputy director of the Center for US Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times on Monday.

While Trump refused to concede the US election, tweeting that Biden “won” but that the election was rigged, thousands of his supporters protested in downtown Washington DC over the weekend, according to media reports. They also chanted Trump’s campaign slogan such as “Make America Great Again” as the number of COVID-19 cases in the country crossed the 11-million mark, “reaching yet another grim milestone,” some reports said.

Some Chinese experts believed that Trump does not want to disappoint his supporters, and continuing to be tough on China-related matter is one of his strategies, which has also been echoed by some of his “anti-China” group including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General William Barr and National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien.

China urged the US to manage the differences on the basis of mutual respect and explore cooperation in reciprocity but will firmly defend its own interests of sovereignty, security and development, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on reports about Trump will come up with final measures targeting Chinese firms and human rights issues.

A healthy and stable China-US relationship is in line with the fundamental interests of people from the two countries, which also echoes common expectation of the international community, Zhao said.

The Trump administration is also expected to stage its final hysteria toward China by coming up with measures to stir up conflicts in the South China Sea, the Taiwan island, and may launch a crackdown on more Chinese scientific and research staff, Xin predicted. “It’s also likely that the US will shut down all the Confucius Institutes in America, casting shadow over future people-to-people exchanges between China and the US,” he said.


Global Times


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