<strong>Glorious Hundred Years of the Communist Party of China</strong>

Glorious Hundred Years of the Communist Party of China

– Madhav Kumar Nepal –
Former Prime Minister and Senior Leader
Chief of Department of Foreign Affairs, Nepal Communist Party

the CPC was able to achieve world-shaking success in defeating Chiang Kai-shek as well as Japanese and American imperialism with the united strength of the party, the people and the army. Comrade Mao Zedong declared to the world that the Chinese people have now ‘stood up’, to indicate that China, which was asleep under the influence of opium had now awoken and the people were determined to build a new China.

Q1. From your perspective, during the century since the founding of the Communist Party of China, what great revolutions and historical events have changed the historical destiny of the Chinese people?

A1. The founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in July 1921 itself was a great historic event. The Chinese communist movement took the form of a massive national movement within a relatively short period of time since its founding precisely because of the reason that the CPC was able to organize the peasants and develop their movement, mobilizing tens of thousands of people and attracting the youths. Since its inception, the CPC has adopted a strategy of advancing the new democratic revolution, and all its activities have been centered in that direction. Under the policy of protracted people’s war, the revolutionary base areas were built in the villages and plans were made to encircle cities from the villages. It was due to successful implementation of this strategy that in 1949, under the leadership of Chairman Comrade Mao Zedong, an unprecedented event in the history of the world took place in China – the success of the People’s Revolution in the largest populous country.
The liberation of China came as a result of the glorious revolution under the strategy of applying Marxism-Leninism in accordance with Chinese characteristics. Looking at the Chinese revolution, we see that Mao Zedong did not limit himself to the old model, the old experience and the example of other countries. He concentrated on knowing well the Chinese society, history, culture and suffering of the nation and the people. Mao Zedong has analyzed in detail about the class-structure of the Chinese society and has minutely done the class analysis, role and characteristic of different classes in prevalent Chinese society. Thus, he found and developed stage and the path of Chinese revolution, its strategy, tactics and political line for new democratic revolution. In the process of using Marxism in a creative way, the CPC took the path of a new democratic revolution by winning over the peasantry. Relying on the basic unity of workers and peasants, having big trust on poor, landless and lower middle peasants, wining over the rich peasantry, isolating and attacking on feudal class on the one hand and on the other hand taking the leadership of workers, urban poor, lower middle class people, wining over urban middle class and national bourgeois, then isolating and attacking comprador and bureaucratic capitalism, analyzing about contradiction of society and finding the main contradictions and main enemies, it united all those forces, who can be united; isolated and concentrated attack on the main enemies and finally was able to defeat the rulers of the feudal, comprador and bureaucratic bourgeois under the leadership of the CPC. It also defeated the powerful imperialist forces.
In this way, the CPC was able to achieve world-shaking success in defeating Chiang Kai-shek as well as Japanese and American imperialism with the united strength of the party, the people and the army. Comrade Mao Zedong declared to the world that the Chinese people have now ‘stood up’, to indicate that China, which was asleep under the influence of opium had now awoken and the people were determined to build a new China. It succeeded in changing the destiny of the Chinese people, who for hundreds of years had been oppressed by the imperialist powers from the West, from Japanese and American imperialism, with the historic change under the leadership of the Communist Party. This most influential and significant event in China’s history has changed the fate and future of the Chinese people.

Q2. What do you think is the successful experience of the Communist Party of China in leading the Chinese revolution, construction, and reform?

A2. The CPC has gained many successful experiences in the Chinese revolution, construction and reform. China has made rapid progress since 1979 by pursuing the goals of modernization and economic openness. It is moving ahead of the set target and today it has emerged as the second largest economic power of the world. Accordingly, China is increasing its influence in the world.
However, China is still one of the developing countries. With its vast geography and large population, and the need for prosperity of people who were just raised from below the poverty line, China has not reached that high in terms of per capita income, even though the size of the economy as a whole has increased. The Chinese leaders and the CPC deserve all the respect and admiration for the role they have been playing in bringing economically backward China to this level. There is no doubt that all this is possible because of the CPC and its effective leadership.
We also hold in high respect the role of Comrade Deng Xiaoping who led China in economically standing up on its own feet after her liberation under the leadership of Chairman Mao. Despite many internal struggles within the party, he had dreamed of a roadmap for China’s development and the country was able to make progress till now by treading on that path of economic reform and opening up that he had started. China has made so much progress today because of Deng’s bold reforms and openness, based on the belief that people’s living standards cannot be changed unless they are economically strong and prosperous, and that socioeconomic change cannot take place without changing people’s living standards. I consider this success achieved by China by learning from its experiences and improving it to be a great success of the Chinese communists.

Q3. The Communist Party of China has gone through some detours. What do you think is the most critical factor for the Communist Party of China to overcome difficulties and even mistakes, going from frustration to success?

A3. The CPC itself has gone through a process of various ups and downs. If we look at history, we find that there have been many intense ideological struggles within it. The party continues to make itself strong and stable through ideological struggle. Despite its many successes, the CPC has made some mistakes. For example, the industrialization effort of 1957, the Great Leap Forward of 1959, and the Cultural Revolution of 1966 which were ultra left mistakes in the name of rapid change.
Undoubtedly, Mao Zedong is the most influential leader in China’s history. Under his leadership, the largest population of the world’s working people was liberated at once. However, after coming to power, some wrong tendencies developed in the name of praising him. ‘The Lin Biao deviation’ can be taken as a vivid example of this. On the one hand, there had been a lot of eulogizing for Mao Zedong and on the other hand, even a conspiracy within the party was hatched to advance their petty bourgeois ambitions on the same basis. There was a tendency in that period to suppress dissent within the party by calling it a ‘right-wing deviant wind’ and to physically eliminate the leaders and cadres involved in it. Later, Mao Zedong himself had to realize and defeat it. On the whole, the CPC has set an example to the world by learning from mistakes in history, overcoming difficulties and turning despair into success.
“There can’t be a person or an organization that doesn’t make mistakes,” Lenin said, “the main thing is to be able to identify and correct mistakes.” The same is true of the CPC and Comrade Mao Zedong. It has also done mistakes and made improvements. The most profound and effective experience is learning from your own mistakes. That learning is very effective for the party or the individual. We have experienced that the CPC has learned the most from its own mistakes.

Q4. From the perspective of the world’s Marxist parties, the Communist Party of China advocates “building a community with a shared future for mankind.” What are the opportunities for changes of a kind unseen in a century? What are the major challenges?

A4. President of China and General Secretary of the CPC, Comrade Xi Jinping has put forwarded a new concept of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) after taking over the leadership of China. Just as the old Silk Road connected Asia and Europe, China has now taken the initiative to connect the world through the BRI. President Xi’s proposal, which envisions a common future for all mankind and benefits everyone economically, is highly commendable. This proposal has been taken forward in a concrete manner by setting up the Asian Investment Infrastructure Bank (AIIB). The bank is providing loans to many countries. Nepal has also signed the BRI and we have the pleasure of receiving commitments of financial assistance during President Xi’s visit to Nepal in 2019. It is gratifying to note that there are already more than 70 countries that have benefited from the initiative.
When President Xi Jinping introduced the Belt and Road Initiative, the concept was for the benefit of all. The concept of bringing the world closer together and making progress together is correct. China has embraced the concept of sharing its own progress and development to the development of others and its own progress to the progress of others, not at the cost of the destruction of others as practiced by the West. The underlying principle is to make the world a ‘Global Village’.
In today’s age, open society is needed, not closed one. China and the CPC understand that only by moving forward with generosity can we mobilize society. This is the belief behind China’s concept of uniting the world today.
Today, world capitalism is moving towards centralization and narrow-mindedness. Fearing competition, it is pushing for more restrictive provisions, complicating trade transaction, and controlling the open market. On the contrary, socialism is decentralizing and widening itself, trying to prove its superiority over capitalism and in competition. As China seeks markets today and expands around the world, this in itself is a remarkable example of how superiority can be achieved through competition.

Q5. Through the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China and the profound lessons learned from the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, what do you think the Marxist theoretical character, political theoretical foresight, revolutionary ideals and beliefs of the Communist Party leaders are indispensable, especially for the Socialism?

A5. It is the Communist Party and the people who can save the communist movement and communist power. When we are clear in our goals and being revolutionary in practice, no one can defeat us because people are with us. The unfortunate collapse of socialism in the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe were due to the bureaucratic tendencies and dominance over the party and the state, alienation from the people, arrogances, not being analytical with own self, lack of self-critical attitude, not learning from other’s good experiences and practices, and the inability to accurately assess the changing situation ultimately the disintegration of the Communist Party itself.
Meanwhile, China has been strengthening itself as it has been able to reconcile national needs and the international situation. For the longevity and strength of a strong Communist Party, we must first be clear on the Marxist ideological premise. The success of the communist movement is ensured by correctly understanding Marxism as our guiding principle and mobilizing ourselves accordingly. For this, we must have political-ideological vision, revolutionary ideals and beliefs, matching our words with deeds and integrating with the masses and wining their hearts and minds by sharing will and woe with the people, understanding and addressing their wishes and aspirations. If we don’t have the right idea and don’t have the commitment to follow it, we can’t move forward, we can’t even stand on our own feet.
The purpose of the establishment of the Communist Party and the revolution is not just to gain power. We want to establish and build socialism after the new democratic revolution. For that, it is necessary to take people-centric policies. The party should be run with revolutionary ideas and methods, free from the bureaucratic thinking that may arise when the party is in power. Because, when we are in power, then there is a strong possibility of arrogance, intoxication and abuse of power by the party leaders and cadres. We must always be vigilant on protecting the communist movement from this.
As the Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class-proletariat, it cannot abandon its basic premise under any circumstances, whether it is in power or not. For that, we must always keep the class outlook and stand at the center. The work done by others and the work done by the Communist Party should be differentiated by behavior, not by name.
Just as fish cannot survive without water, so the Communist Party cannot survive without the people. Therefore, we must always prioritize the task of gaining the trust of the people by bringing change in the lives of the people. The Communist Party must always play a role in making the people more conscious, active and progressive in order to drastically change the society through social, economic and cultural transformation.
We can move our country and the world forward only by achieving excellence in science, technology and all fields. For that, leaders, activists and the people must all be laborious, honest, diligent and creative. We must do scientific research and innovation in all sectors and fields. At the same time, everyone must have a spirit of sacrifice and dedication.
Only by achieving the above tasks can we reach the goal of socialism.

Q6. In your opinion, how did the Communist Party of China promote the process of world socialism? How to judge the future prospects of world socialism?

A6. China is making significant contributions to strengthening world socialism. Socialism does not mean distribution of poverty; it is for developing the productive forces and ensuring high growth rate, and also a judicious management of prosperity. The basic responsibility of socialism is not only to provide food, shelter and clothing but education, health care, employment and security to every human being as per their need. Not only this, it has to create such an environment where people can develop their own personality, genius and capability. For this, it has to transform society economically, culturally and scientifically. China’s progress in meeting these basic needs of the world’s largest population, as well as in expanding its network around the world, has certainly encouraged and strengthened the socialist movement in the world. It is clear that when socialism is strong in China, it will automatically have an impact on the world.
China is inspiring the world’s labor movements. China has always looked at the movement of working people like workers, peasants and women with a progressive view. China has established itself as a reliable power in the world due to its stand in supporting the struggle for equality, justice and self-respect. China is inspiring the countries around the world in their struggle against foreign domination, interference and threats. At the same time, it is encouraging them for mutual cooperation.
The number of people living in poverty in the world is increasing and the gap between rich and poor is also widening. The bourgeois states are shirking their responsibility to the people. At such a time, in order to make the state accountable to the people, China is providing moral support to the people’s movement of the world as well as other assistance. The ineffectiveness seen in other countries during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the efficiency seen in China and other socialist countries have only been possible due to people-centered attitude. Showing the superiority of socialism over capitalism, China’s assistance to the other countries and world’s people against the pandemic has further paved the way for it to become the leader in the global arena, who cares for all.
The important thing for the world to learn from China is: China is set to meet its poverty alleviation goal later this year. How did China lift millions of people out of poverty? This has become a truly exemplary work for the world to see.

Q7. Please talk about the friendship history and future prospects between the Communist Party of China and the Marxist party led by you.

A7. The Nepal Communist Party and the Communist Party of China have a very old and close relationship. The NCP had established relations with the CPC after its establishment in 1949. Later, we reorganized the communist movement in 1978 with the establishment of the Communist Party of Nepal (ML) and expanded our bilateral fraternal relations. Personally, I played a role for that.
In 1980, after receiving an invitation from China, a delegation of our party went to China. A year later, in 1981, a delegation composed of me, Jivraj Ashrit and Amrit Bohora went on a month-long visit to China. We have fresh memories of reaching Tibet on foot from Kathmandu via Dolakha. We went to different cities in China and talked to leaders at different levels.
Later on, we visited China in May 1993, led by General Secretary Comrade Madan Bhandari, and held talks with Comrade Hu Jintao, one of the top leaders at that time, there. I have had occasional meetings and conversations with leaders at various levels in China.
I have been invited as the Chief Guest at many events in China, including those connected to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). I participated in such programs called by various universities and provincial governments. Since I was made the Honorary Chairman of the Silk Road People’s Organization, I participated in various programs there. Having participated in many forums in China in this way, a lot of information has been received about China and the CPC. Our relationship has expanded and deepened.
Last year, on September 24, 2019, a six-point memorandum of understanding was signed between the NCP and the CPC to strengthen and consolidate our cordial fraternal relations. As the Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Nepal, myself and Comrade Song Tao, a counterpart from China, have signed the agreement and taken our relationship to a new height. There is continuous interaction, discussion and exchange of visits between the two parties.
After I met with then-Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao when I was the Prime Minister, we reached a very important agreement. We named it as the ‘Comprehensive Partnership of Development Agreement’. That in itself was an important strategic partnership proposal. That is why China has given the highest importance to Nepal by taking it to a new height and naming it as a strategic partnership. Thus, among the relations with the neighboring countries, China’s relations with Nepal have remained excellent. We have no problem in our relationship with China. We should take pride in this.
As Nepal is a landlocked country, we are using land routes from India and Bangladesh as land-linked for the transit facility. Although the distance with China is a bit long, once it is connected to our border with the railway, then present very long and far distance will be shortened. Thus, distance and time from the train will be further greatly reduced. We should be able to make maximum use of it. As Nepal has been facing a difficult transit situation due to its landlocked nature, a transit agreement has been signed to ensure an alternative route from China, which is noteworthy.

Q8. Among the contributions that the Communist Party of China makes to world peace and development over the past century, what impresses you most?

A8. China is the most populous country in the world. It is not an easy task for so many people to be provided with all the needs of food and nutrition, education, health and employment. China has not only completed these tasks, but also raised the people’s living standards remarkably and ensured its prestigious position in the world which is beyond imagination until few decades back. The world has benefited from China’s policy of not interfering in other countries’ internal affairs, advancing projects that benefit both sides, and achieving common prosperity.
The main thing is that China believes in the peaceful coexistence with all countries and has a respectful, dignified and cooperative relationship with all. That is why we have not heard of any unrest or problem in the world because of China. On the contrary, she has amazed the world by bringing drastic change from a poverty stricken country with backward economy to the current top status as economic and military superpower within a short span of time. China has learned a lesson from a thorough analysis of why the Soviet Union had weakened and eventually collapsed.
At present, China’s contribution to the world’s development along with its own development and prosperity is highly commendable. We firmly believe that China will achieve further successes in her development and will soon become number one power of the world which will further contribute not only to play an important role for world peace and for a new world order, but also to all justice and independence- loving people and counties of the world.
I would like to congratulate the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping and the leadership, Government of China and Chinese people on the great occasion of successful completion of 100 years of founding of the Communist Party of China.
On behalf of the Nepal Communist Party, it’s Department of Foreign Affairs and on my own, I would like to thank Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for providing this opportunity to express my views on the CPC’s history, achievements, strengths, and prospects. I wish all the best!
20 October, 2020


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