Embassy of Pakistan in Kathmandu released PRESS RELEASE

Embassy of Pakistan in Kathmandu released PRESS RELEASE

Embassy of Pakistan in Kathmandu released the PRESS RELEASE today. On the occasion of the 74th Independence Day of Pakistan, a simple and graceful flag hoisting ceremony was held at Embassy of Pakistan today.

Embassy of Pakistan


On the occasion of the 74th Independence Day of Pakistan, a simple and graceful flag hoisting ceremony was held at Embassy of Pakistan today. Ambassador, MazharJaved hoisted the flag. Embassy Officials,senior members of Nepal-Pakistan Friendship and Cultural Association (NPFCA) and media representatives were present.

Inhis message the President of Pakistan H.E. Dr. ArifAlvireaffirmed the resolve to live up to the ideals of Pakistan’s founding fathers, and paid homage to the heroic struggle of all the workers of Pakistan movement.

Pakistan Prime Minister H.E. Imran Khan paid tribute to “all those sons of the soil who laid their lives while defending and protecting the territorial and ideological frontiers of the motherland”. The Prime Minister expressed the confidence that the struggle and resilience of the brave Kashmiris will culminate into their inalienable right to self-determination.

A message of the Foreign Minister of Nepal H.E. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali on the occasion of Pakistan Independence Day was screened. The Foreign Minister expressed his felicitations to the people of Pakistan and appreciated the friendly cordial relations between the two countries.

Addressing the ceremony AmbassadorMazharJavedrecalled the history of Pakistan movement under the leadership of Quraid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Referring to the Jammu Kashmir dispute, the Ambassador said that resolution of this long outstanding dispute in accordance to the wishes of the people and the UN resolutions would complete the agenda of the partition..

14 August 2020

Message from Dr. Arif Alvi
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
(For the Nation on the occasion of 74th Independence Day)

My dear Countrymen!
I wish to extend heartiest felicitations to my fellow countrymen on 74th Independence Day of Pakistan. This day reminds us of the immense sacrifices rendered by our forefathers, under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The day is an occasion to reaffirm our resolve to live up to the ideals of our founding fathers and pay homage to the heroic struggle of all workers of Pakistan Movement.
Unlike the past, this Independence Day is being celebrated in extraordinarily difficult times as the entire world has been affected by Corona virus which had adverse impact on all sectors of life, i.e. including economy, health, and education. The pandemic has brought enormous challenges but we have seen that our resilient nation has overcome them with a brilliant strategy of smart lock down. It is must that we continue with the precautions. We have seen such challenges in the past, like the earthquake in October 2005 and heavy floods in 2010. On this auspicious occasion, let me appreciate the spirit of our countrymen who exhibited extreme unity and generously helped the victims of natural calamities.
On this historic day, I must pay tribute to our doctors, nurses, health care workers that saved the lives of people by putting their own lives at risk during the pandemic. Additionally, I also deeply admire the role of media, Ulema, NDMA, NCOC, provincial governments, and law enforcement agencies in creating awareness and help enforcing the SOPs with regard to Covid-19. The success of the Ehsaas Program underlines the fact that people unite when all segments are taken care of. Our economy is improving in every regard, and I am sure that we have reached a tipping point in this regard.
As we commemorate this Independence Day, we should not forget our brothers and sisters of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) who have been subjected to harsh brutalities by Indian security forces. India has been committing gross human rights violations for over three decades and has intensified its brutalization with extra-judicial killings of innocent people in fake encounters since the imposition of lock-down on 05 August 2019. India is targeting all minorities and wants to impose Hindutva ideology in the country but these oppressive measures would further enhance hatred and resentment against her. I assure the resilient people of IIOJ&K that Pakistan would continue to support them in their just struggle for their Right to Self-Determination as enshrined in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

While felicitating the nation, I call upon every Pakistani to stand firm and work for progress and prosperity of the country. We need to stand united to meet the social, economic and security challenges being confronted by the nation.

Pakistan Paindabad.

press release


 Islamabad: August 13, 2020


I congratulate the entire nation on 74th Independence Day. This auspicious occasion is a moment to reaffirm our pledge to continue pursuing the vision of Father of the Nation. The day is an occasion to pay tribute to all those sons of the soil who laid their lives while defending and protecting territorial as well as ideological frontiers of the motherland.

This day is an occasion to pause and ponder and to reflect as to how far we have been able to achieve those ideals that led to creation of an independent state. During past seven decades of our journey, we have confronted with various challenges. We have battled against odds both at external as well as internal fronts. From the hostility of a neighboring country, with its known hegemonic intentions, to the scourge of terrorism and from coping with natural calamities to fighting pandemics, our nation has always shown resilience and perseverance. We reiterate, today, our pledge to remain steadfast and embrace every challenge holding the torch of “Unity, Faith and Discipline”.

In our efforts to reach our destination, we are diligently working to give this country a system of governance which conforms to the ideals and objectives of independence. We are endeavoring to build a system where rule of law prevails. We have chosen “Riyasat-i-Madina’ as our role model.

While we celebrate this Independence Day, our hearts are profoundly grieved by the sufferings of our brethren in IIOJK who are facing military siege since past one year. We stand firmly behind our Kashmiri brethren in their struggle for their right to self-determination. We will continue to raise voice of the helpless Kashmiris at all available forums. We will continue to sensitize the international community of grave human rights violations in IIOJK and the threats to peace and security of the region posed by the supremacist RSS ideology pursued by the BJP government. I am confident that the struggle and resilience of brave Kashmiris will culminate into their inalienable right of self-determination.

May Almighty Allah bless and crown our efforts with success to rebuild the country in consonance with the vision of its founding fathers and also bestow freedom upon our Kashmiri brethren in IIOJK to complete the agenda of the partition.


Pakistan Paindabad.


On the occasion of the 74th Independence Day of Pakistan Nepalese Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali extends the heartily congratulation to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan too.


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