The support of the sincere party leaders is also declining as Oli’s political career is not long enough | Borna Bahadur Karki |

The support of the sincere party leaders is also declining as Oli’s political career is not long enough | Borna Bahadur Karki |

Regarding the dispute within the Nepal Communist Party (NCP), Borna Bahadur Karki says that this issue is of great interest to the people. The majority of members of Nepal Communist Party (NCP) are in opposition of Oli. Although Oli is in the minority, he has challenged the party to do whatever the party can but he will neither resign from the post of the prime minister nor from the party chairman.

PM Oli, who has registered a new party, has already completed all the preparations to split the party. He is also forcing his cadres to protest against Prachanda. Foreign agents and those who have amassed immense property in the shadow of Oli are urging Oli to split the party immediately and as soon as possible. If the leaders of Oli’s camp show interest in saving the party, the party will survive, otherwise the party is sure to split.

If Oli splits the party, its future is bleak because the history of Deuba and Bamdev Gautam is dark after splitting the party though in good issue. At present, those who support Oli are only corrupt and smugglers. There are not enough members with Oli to split the party, but those who support Oli to split the party are decreasing day by day.

Oli is bringing an ordinance to split the party after reaching 25 percent members in Central Committee or in parliamentarian party, but this ordinance is also rejected by the Supreme Court. It is a different matter if the patriotic leaders of Oli’s camp stop him, otherwise Oli has given up his fascination with the Nepal Communist Party (NCP). He himself has said that the party’s action won’t affect him anymore.

Oli seems to be 100% wrong in the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) dispute. The support of sincere party leaders is also declining as his political career is not very long. The dispute in the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) is not between Oli and Prachanda, but between Oli and the party. Oli has only tried to create confusion by making the controversy between Oli vs Prachanda.

Oli’s history was and is India-friendly, but he is seen as Anti-India only because of the pressure of the people and the party. Oli’ has given the direction to discredit those who are opposing his autocratic tendencies. Although Oli is well aware that the decisions made in favor of the country will be overshadowed when Oli will split the party, Oli cannot back down because he has become a hostage of the United States.

Since the US and India could not control Nepal fully, then they want to use Oli to create instability here. By splitting Nepal’s major power Nepal Communist Party (NCP), which has become an obstacle after sidelining the monarchy. There is no way for the cadres to save the country and the party. Instead, the party will be saved only if the top leaders of Oli’s camp do not support Oli, otherwise the credibility of the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) will not be saved.



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