Small community-level steps pave way for greater social stability: NPC deputy

Proper management at the community-level is beneficial for greater social stability, National People’s Congress (NPC) deputy Zhu Guoping, a grassroots official from Shanghai said Friday.

Zhu proposed to amend the organization law of urban residents’ committees, which has been in place for the last 30 years. With the rapid development of the country, some of the outdated legal clauses have posed a hindrance to the construction and development of modern residential communities, she said.

Zhu had been working as the director of the neighborhood committee of the Hongchu community in Hongqiao subdistrict in Shanghai for about 30 years. She believes grassroots working staff has to timely listen to the voices of the residents and understand their difficulties.

At the end of July 2015, the Hongqiao subdistrict was chosen as one of the four grassroots communities on legislative matters by the Commission of Legislative Affairs of the NPC. The other three are located in Xiangyang, Central China’s Hubei Province; Jingdezhen, East China’s Jiangxi Province, and Lintao, Northwest China’s Gansu Province.

The Hongqiao subdistrict has tendered 610 suggestions on the legal amendment during the recent years, covering 35 laws such as the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, according to Zhu.

A resident is scanning the health code at a residential community in Suifenhe, Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province on April 10, 2020. Photo: Xinhua


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