Opposition parties up in arms against government


Three opposition parties represented in the Federal Parliament have been holding one meeting after another to develop their strategies against the government after the latter exhibited its dictatorial instincts by issuing ordinances.

On Monday, they held a joint meeting to devise their strategies against the government.

The meeting held at the central office of the Nepali Congress in Sanepa of Lalitpur expressed commitment to fight against the government tendencies of authoritarianism and totalitarianism uniting all the democratic forces.

The meeting concluded that the incumbent government was stepping towards totalitarianism crushing the democratic norms and values and condemned the government’s latest move.

After the meeting of the top leaders of the NC, Janata Samajwadi Party Nepal and Rastriya Prajatantra Party, a joint statement was issued informing about their decision. It said the kidnapping of lawmaker Dr Surendra Yadav in government involvement had angered the people.

Condemning the criminal act the meeting demanded legal action against those involved in the said kidnapping.

The meeting accused the government of not bringing concrete action plan and necessary relief to minimise negative effect of lockdown on economic sector and fulfil the basic needs of the people.

Reproduced from People’s Review


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