Bhatbhateni Supper Market not involved in medical equipment supply deal


Kathmandu, 4 April: Bhatbheteni Supper Market has refuted Bhatbheteni Group’s alleged involvement in controversial medical equipment supply deal with the government.

The Group has stated that the controversial company Omni Group has rented upper floor of the Bhatbhateni Supper Market, Pulchowk and pays rent to Bhatbhateni. Besides, there is no business relation between Bhatbhateni and Omni, it is stated in a statement issued by Bhatbhateni Group.

The Group has drawn its attention on involvement of its chairman Min Bahadur Gurung on the controversial deal of medical equipment supply by some media, which is false and malicious.

The Bhatbhateni Group has condemned the report published by media against its chairman.

People’s News Monitoring Service


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