Zimbabwe hails China’s efforts in curbing COVID-19 spread

Zimbabwe hails China’s efforts in curbing COVID-19 spread



By Lu Wenao

Zimbabwe declared the coronavirus pandemic a state of national disaster on Wednesday, as the African country, though yet to have a confirmed case, makes efforts to prevent the virus outbreak in the country, the Embassy of Zimbabwe in China told the Global Times on Wednesday.

“It would allow the government to redirect its efforts and resources toward fighting this scourge which is threatening humanity,” the Embassy said in an email statement to the Global Times.

The state of national disaster also means Zimbabwe will postpone its 40th independence anniversary celebrations scheduled for April 18.

“While Zimbabwe has not recorded any infections, apart from a few suspected cases under observation, it shall continue to seek the assistance of its strategic partner in taking robust and fact-based preventive measures that would also include necessary equipment in preparation for any possible outbreak,” it noted.

China’s success story in the fight against the virus is there for everyone to see as vindicated by the number of countries seeking its technical advice and material support, the Embassy said.

“The epidemic has demonstrated that no nation is immune regardless of how weak or strong it is, thus it is our hope that the experience gained by China in containing the virus will certainly benefit countries, like Zimbabwe.”

The Chinese government has also pledged to upgrade Zimbabwe’s main isolation center for suspected coronavirus patients in the capital Harare, according to a Xinhua News Agency report on March 6.

“COVID-19 has once again reinforced the need to forge ahead with the promotion and protection of multilateralism which benefits from our collective wisdom and shared experiences,” the Embassy said.

“A community of shared future for mankind is certainly under threat and Zimbabwe will make its modest contribution toward its preservation.”

Zimbabwe is set to receive 20,000 test kits, 100,000 masks and 1,000 medical-use protective suits and face shields from Chinese billionaire Jack Ma.

The donation is part of 1.1 million testing kits, over 6 million masks and 60,000 hazmat suits and face shields that Ma pledged to 54 African countries, including Zimbabwe, in a statement issued on Monday.

Global Times


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