The dream has been shattering of being happy and Prosperous Nepalese || Prem Sagar Poudel

Last week we discussed about Indo-Pacific Strategy. The issue is still under discussion in Nepal. Recently, Standing Committee meeting of CPN has concluded. The political report submitted by Prachanda has passed with various protests and suggestions. on the report, the new political environment is making Nepal a center of international politics. The report gives equal status to the Indian Pacific Strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative. China and the US are defined at the same level.

The party representing communist ideology, but this time in the political report presented both China and the US as same category and it has created a confusion. Leaders were seen to divided in three group during the discussion up on report. One group was supporting Indo-Pacific Strategy by Foreign Minister Pradeep Kumar Gyawali and Energy Minister Barshaman Pun and  Surendra Pandey, Raghuji Pant and Yogesh Bhattarai have embraced the middle way. Chief whip of parliament Dev Gurung, former Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Home Minister, Minister of Tourism, Bhim Rawal other leaders Mani Thapa, Lilamani Pokharel, Pantha Bhushal, Ghanshyam Bhushal and others also were against it.

Are we doing politics just for to become famous or for the benefit of Nepal? There are so many incidents for suspect. Seeing at the activities whatever are happening in Nepal, it seems that the intention is to pushing Nepal into indulging in instability and taking advantage from it. The meeting of the CPN has been concluded with various controversies. Even after that, the foreign minister of the Government of Nepal has been expressing himself as the spokesperson for the MCC project. Seeing at the expression of spokesperson of the Government of Nepal which seems that he is not a spokesperson for the Government of Nepal but the spokesperson for Indo-Pacific Strategy and MCC Project.

People are in dilemma either the leaders of our country are speaking for the country or for foreign projects. Is this environment is appropriate for the country? Whatever our leaders are doing is not good, if we discuss this by putting the country at the heart and the interests of the country. With the passing of the MCC project, it supports Indo-pacific and it will immediately active. Its provisions will affect Nepal’s economy, foreign policy and even Nepal’s internal matters as well. It also seems to affect Nepal’s law and constitution.

Our country is weak. We do not have the ability to compete with the US, China and India. In this case we have to take the middle path to save our nation. But our leaders do not appear to have acted wisely. If the MCC is passed, it is sure that Nepal will be in condition of calf between fighting two bulls. We still have time, It is important that our leaders have to understand for whom we are doing politics and work for.

Our politics is hovering around the issue of Indo-Pacific Strategy, the BRI and the MCC, and issue of the election to the Speaker of the Parliament is becoming more complex. Deputy Speaker has not resigned yet and which creates complexity to choose the Speaker, which would be against the constitution and the law. We are working for the interest of others, while we have to make this system more efficient and powerful. We’re determined to be the best for others. It must be understood the time and should work for right resolution.
If we cannot make the right use of the present time, then of course, this system will not exist. If we do not work and speak for the country and work for others, then our future will be determined according to them. We should think about this too.

The character of political party leaders is showing forgetting the commitments made by the people during the elections, enjoying in the corruption, following the power centers and think people as cattle and couldn’t rise beyond own group, is not in the interests of the country. Nepalese people had hoped there will be stability and peace in the country. Simultaneously there will be improvement and development in the country. As the Prime Minister has said, we will move successfully towards the goals of a happy Nepali and  prosperous Nepal. But by now, that dream has been shattered.

We are saying the single party but there are still two chairmen in the party. Both are leading their own group. There are subgroups within those groups as well. And no one seems to be able to rise above their faction to represent the country and the entire Nepalese. In this case, how can we imagine a prosperous Nepal? It is very important to get the attention of our leaders to this.

As mentioned in the political report by the Standing Committee, corruption is still strong in institutional form. The mafias are getting better. The rules and regulations are just for poor people. The current system does not address the big corruption and criminals. Now, the government should assure the people to believe the government. The government should assure that this system is equal to all. I wish, May our leaders get wisdom.


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