Xi’s class for NCP, NC suspicious

Xi’s class for NCP, NC suspicious

Main opposition party Nepali Congress has become suspicious with the Nepal Communist Party from the ongoing class on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s thoughts.

NC has said that the instruction classes are being held as per the bottom-line of Chinese President Xi to the leaders of the ruling party, which will not be in favour of the nation, writes Maheshwar Gautam in Rajdhani daily.

The Xi class may affect Nepal’s parliamentarian democracy in the long-run, NC has observed.

There is one-party system in China and there is different system in Nepal therefore, except from instruction on the Chinese economic policy, other instructions will not benefit Nepal, NC leaders have remarked.

NC’s senior leader Ramchandra Poudel said that Chinese policy is not based on political liberalism, therefore, Xi’s thoughts are not in the interests of Nepal.

NC’s former general secretary Krishnaprasad Shitaula said that incidents are being surfaced that the government is trying to walk from the trek outside the constitution, Gautam has reported.

People’s News Monitoring Service


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