Stunning report jolts nation

The report about capture of a police post in Mahakulung Rural Municipality in Solukhumbu district by NCP Biplav group on 2 June drew attention of media, government officials and it became center point of national politics the entire day on 3 June.

However, the report was not confirmed from any sector.

After publishing of such a stunning report, the chiefs of three security organs held a meeting at the Home Ministry on 3 June. The meeting decided to send additional force in the area.

According to local residents, there was neither any attack launched by Biplav’s workers nor the police post was captured by them. However, they confirmed that for several days, there was strong presence of Biplav’s workers.

Sagar Kirati, chairman of the Rural Municipality, confirmed that there was strong presence of Biplav;s workers in the village, reports Annapurna Post daily.

According to reports, the police post was evacuated on Sunday due to the fear of possible attack from Biplav group.

People’s News Monitoring Service


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