Cypriot candidates register for European Parliament elections

Cypriot candidates registered on Friday for a May 26 vote to elect European Union Parliament deputies.

The chief election officer said that by the end of the time limit set for registration, a total of 72 candidates from 13 parties and groups plus three independents submitted their papers.

They will contest the six European parliament’s seats allocated to Cyprus.

What is different from previous elections for the six seats is that two groups of Turkish Cypriots living in seclusion in the northern part of Cyprus are contesting seats for the first time.

Latest public opinion surveys show that the two largest parties, ruling center-right DISY and opposition AKEL left-wing party will get two seats each and middle of the road DIKO party one seat.

The sixth seat, which was traditionally held by EDEK socialist party, will be contested, according to the latest polls, on an equal footing by EDEK, extreme right wing ELAM party and a coalition of the Green and Citizens Alliance parties.


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