IFAD attributes China’s poverty alleviation success to vision and commitment

Matteo Marchisio, country director and representative in China and Mongolia of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) speaks with CRI’s reporter Xu Yawen on China’s poverty alleviation on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Beijing. [Photo provided by China Investment Magazine to China Plus]

About 14 million Chinese were lifted out of poverty last year. But the country will need to lift 10 million more in order to achieve its goal of eradicating rural poverty by 2020.

As the clock is ticking, some may ask if China will achieve this in time and how all these can been done.

CRI’s reporter Xu Yawen spoke with Matteo Marchisio, country director and representative in China and Mongolia of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

He explains how China has freed more than 700 million people from poverty over the past 40 years, and how IFAD involvement has facilitated the effort since they opened an office in Beijing in 1981.


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