Tibetan medicinal bathing listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage

The 13th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage discusses China’s application to inscribe the Lum Medicinal Bathing of Sowa Rigpa on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, on Wednesday, November 28, 2018. [Photo: China Plus/Gao Junya]

The family of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in China has added a new member.

The United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific organization has inscribed China’s Tibetan medicinal bathing on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

“I see no objection. Therefore, Draft 13.COM/10.b 8 is duly applicable.”

Minister of Arts and Culture Prithvirajsing Roopun announced the decision to list China’s Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Roopun chairs the ongoing 13th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Port Louis, Mauritius.

The Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa is knowledge and practices concerning life, health and illness prevention and treatment among the Tibetan people in China.

Speaking after the announcement, Chinese vice minister of culture and tourism Zhang Xu said that Lum medicinal bathing of Sowa Rigpa has an important bearing on the everyday life of people of the Tibetan ethnic group.

“This heritage not only embodies the folk experience in disease prevention and treatment, it also represents an inheritance and development of the traditional Tibetan medicine theories in modern health practices.”

The 13th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is held in Port Louis, Mauritius from November 26 to December 1st, 2018. [Photo: China Plus/Gao Junya]

In Tibetan, “Lum” indicates the traditional knowledge and practices of bathing in natural hot springs, herbal water or steam to adjust the balance of mind and body, and to ensure health and treat illnesses.

The Lum Medicinal Bathing of Sowa Rigpa has been developed by the Tibetan people with a life view based on Jungwa-nga (five elements) that includes Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space, and a view about health and illness.

It is widely distributed in Tibet Autonomous Region as well as provinces including Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan.

Zhang Xu said the inscription is set to bring the traditional medicinal practice to a large audience and benefit more people.

“We believe the inscription of the element will help improve the visibility of the intangible cultural heritage in general and raise awareness of its significance, encourage dialogue on health and respect for nature among different peoples. It also offers a positive example of the sustainable relationship between human beings and their environment and demonstrates the great attention that the international community is paying to the protection of intangible cultural heritage in the domain of knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe.”

Representatives from other countries congratulate the Chinese delegation after the decision to inscribe China’s Lum Medicinal Bathing of Sowa Rigpa on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, on Wednesday, November 28, 2018. [Photo: China Plus/Gao Junya]

They include 32 elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, 7 elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, and one program selected to the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices.


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