PM’s proposal to obtain vote of confidence presented for decision

PM’s proposal to obtain vote of confidence presented for decision

Kathmandu, March 13:

A proposal tabled by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ seeking a vote of confidence in the House of Representatives today has been put to a decision.

The proposal tabled by the Prime Minister and CPN (Maoist Centre) Chair in accordance with the Article 100 (2) of the Constitution has been presented for a decision of the House by Speaker Devraj Ghimire as per the Rule 155 of the HoR regulations, 2079 BS.

The Article 100 (2) of the Constitution states that if the political party which the Prime Minister represents is divided or a political party in coalition government withdraws its support, the Prime Minister shall table a motion in the House of Representatives for a vote of confidence within thirty days. PM Dahal had sought a vote of confidence today in accordance with this provision.

I altered the alliance to make government functioning effective: PM Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said he had to change the alliance as he felt discomforts with the government’s operation.

In his address to a session of the House of Representatives following the partisan deliberations on his proposal to seek a vote of confidence, the Prime Minister said he had to alter the alliance as he wished to make the government functioning effective.

Stating that the opinions for and against the proposal in the House have made the House more lively, he said it will contribute to further strengthening the democratic system.

“If the House grants the vote of confidence, we are committed to visibly serving the interests of the citizens and the nation,” he affirmed, pledging to uphold and advance the Constitution and democracy. “For this purpose, I am prepared to change course.”

According to the Prime Minister, arguments in favour of the proposal and against it are the treasury of the House, he said the deliberations will contribute to enhance democracy.

“All political parties are independent to forge a political alliance, but it should be for the interests of the citizens. I urge all political parties to stand for the case of the people,” he said.

Defending his decision to form a new political equation, he said it is meant for addressing the people’s aspirations.


PM Dahal presents proposal in parliament, seeking vote of confidence

CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairperson and Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has presented a proposal in the House of Representatives today as per the Rule 155 of the House of Representatives Regulations, 2079BS, seeking a vote of confidence in accordance with Article 100, Sub-Article (2) of the Constitution of Nepal.

Addressing the meeting of the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister tabled the proposal, seeking that the House give him the vote of confidence as the Prime Minister.

Making a statement in the parliament, he urged lawmakers to give him the vote of confidence for preventing various sorts of anomalies inconsistent with the spirit of the constitution.

He argued on the occasion that it was necessary for the government to get the confidence vote for improving the business environment in the economy and for bringing about a change in the social anarchy, rage and negative thinking engendered by the political instability.

“I need the support of the parliament to feel proud of the nationalism, self-worth and sovereignty by defending the achievements made from all the past movements. I assure the esteemed parliament that thousands of new startups and entrepreneurship ventures would be started within some months alone. Systematic efforts would be made towards self-reliance,” the Prime Minister said.

Noting that the initiations made so far in the good governance front have restored the public faith towards the democracy, he said confidence of the citizens towards the State would be enhanced by means of public service delivery and good governance.

After the Prime Minister’s statement, the top leaders of the rest of the political parties have been putting their views on party-wise.

The PM is seeking a vote of confidence from the parliament today after he changed the governing coalition and as a consequence the Nepali Congress which had been supporting that coalition withdrew its support.

PM calls on all sides to come together for addressing national problems

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has called on all sides to stand at one place for resolving the problems facing the nation.

PM Dahal said this while addressing the House of Representatives prior to seeking a vote of confidence today. On the occasion, he stressed on the need of maintaining national unity for achieving the opportunities before the nation.

“I repeat here even amid various allegations that in my capacity as the Prime Minister, I am committed for consensus, collaboration and mutual trust, and not for negation, dishonor and retribution,” said the PM, adding, “We all have ownership and share in the present power appropriation. The President is from the Nepali Congress background, the Vice President is from the Janata Samajbadi Party, the Speaker is from the CPN (UML) background, the National Assembly Chair is from the Maoist Centre background and the Deputy Speaker is from the Rastriya Swatantra Party background.”

Stating that he has e decisive role in this ‘respectable’ representation of all, Prime Minister Dahal said and he takes pride in this.

Parliament is not place for trading personal accusation: PM

PM Dahal said the sovereign parliament is not the proper place for exchange of personal accusation and counter-accusations.

“Although the reconstitution of the government is only a political process, some colleagues of the Nepali Congress made a non-political interpretation of this process and leveled personal slur and attack on me. I did not want to hit back at the allegations, but my principle was and is that this sovereign parliament is not an appropriate place for trading personal accusations and counter-accusations.”

Stating that he wanted to put some views from his side in the House thinking that not denying the allegations that are in the parliament’s record itself would send the wrong message, PM Dahal reminded that the Nepali Congress had at one time described his as a statesman from the rostrum of the parliament.

Economic indicators gradually improving: PM Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said the country’s economic indicators are on a positive trajectory due to the consistent efforts.

Making a statement prior to seeking a vote of confidence in the House of Representatives today, he said he has been continuously working since the beginning for improving the economy and made it clear that most of the economic indicators have improved in the latest situation.

“The balance of payment is in reserve by 297 billion and 720 million in the seven months’ period of the current fiscal year. The foreign exchange reserve has increased by 19.9 percent and reached nearly equivalent to Rs 1 trillion and 845 billion,” the PM said, adding that the trade deficit has reduced by 1.8 percent.
He further said the inflation has been limited to 5.1 percent in the seven months’ period and the loan disbursement has increased by 4.7 percent.
“It is not that the government cannot interpret the existing economic condition as a big achievement, but the expected progress has not been made in the domestic production and employment generation. Similarly, capital expenditure has also not been increased as expected. It is necessary to give extra impetus to the projects of national pride and priority, to increase the capital expenditure and to further improve in public service delivery,” the PM pointed out on the occasion.
He made it clear that making the administration mechanism efficient, removing the procedural obstacles and creating an environment conducive for fully harnessing the capacity of the private sector were his first priority.
‘We are close to power trade agreement with Bangladesh’
Prime Minister Dahal announced on the occasion that a tri-nation electricity trade agreement would be signed for exporting up to 40 megawatts power from Nepal to Bangladesh. He asserted that Nepal has reached close to electricity trade not only with India but with Bangladesh as well.

“The door for electricity trade is opening towards China as well. This is also not a small achievement, but we need to carry out great deal of works in electricity infrastructure development to achieve this possibility,” the PM observed.

Stating that Nepal has now made its presence in the world forum on the concept of climate justice and equality, he recalled that the visit of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to Nepal and Nepal’s presentation in the COP-28 held in Dubai, UAE have sent new message to that connection.
“We have given the message that now Nepal will give leadership to the voice of mountain nations affected by climate crisis,” he said, expressing that the list of government’s achievement is not short, but these achievements were not adequate to fulfill the country’s needs and possibilities

Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS)



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