Incumbent government protects freedom of expression: PM Dahal

Incumbent government protects freedom of expression: PM Dahal

Kathmandu, Jan 31:

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has said the incumbent government, which has put democracy and civil rights in top priority, would always protect the freedom of expression.

At a programme organised on the 39th Anniversary of Nepal Television here today, Prime Minister Dahal shared, “I believe in free democratic practice, not in control and direction. So I want to see the broadcast contents following the basic norms of democracy, civil rights and freedom of expression in Nepal Television.”

Stressing that the first television of the country should be made updated as per the latest changes in information and communication sector, he mentioned that Nepal Television should not make any delay to establish its production and broadcasting through new technology.

The Prime Minister suggested the NTV to move ahead with a long-term plan and clear vision for the development of the organisation, laying emphasis that it should produce its contents being based on the interest of the general people.

Sharing the information that preparation was underway to pass the bill, which has been tabled in the Parliament to form public service broadcasting organisation by merging the Nepal Television and Radio Nepal, with timely revision, he added, “Prepare resolution for projects making positive impacts in coming days. I and government will support it.”

PM Dahal explained, “Television is combination of technology and talent,” pointing out the need of adopting the interest of spectators and audiences having access to digital platform and internet access.

He also asked the Nepal Television to adopt high professionalism and creativeness, ensuring audience interest and facility to watch programmes in their convenient technology.

PM Dahal reminded that the government has been urging for adoption of self-regulation to make the media using the newest technology credible, responsible and accountable.

Stating that the dissemination of information content through the use of new technology would be made even more effective by enhancing the credibility of the new media in the long run, he said, “Some policy provisions made by the government that has encouraged the use of technology and the promotion of the journalism sector are for regulation and management, but not for control.”

He viewed that the responsibility of the mainstream media and media persons has further increased with the expansion of the social networking sites.

“There remains the risk of a person being harmed, and family and society being broken and ultimately the State becoming weaker due to the false and biased news and information. Therefore, journalists and journalism sector should be serious and sensitive in fulfilling the professional responsibility of disseminating true, fair and balanced news and information,” PM Dahal said.

Stating that the programmes being broadcast 24 hours through all channels from Nepal Television for also reaching the activities of the provincial and local governments to the mass audiences as per the spirit of federalism are worth appreciating, the Prime Minister called for strengthening the mutual goodwill and national unity by internalizing the spirit of the constitution.

He expressed the confidence that the Nepal Television will fulfill its duty towards the State and responsibility towards citizens without controversy as NTV is the official and responsible broadcasting institution.


PM stresses to devise measures to attract students in the country

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has underlined the need to exert all possible efforts to attract the students going abroad for education and employment in the home country.

In his address to the 12th general assembly of the Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Prime Minister Dahal stressed the need to introduce measures for creating employment opportunities and attracting students in the country.

Expressing pleasure over the rise in the enrollment of students in agriculture science, PM Dahal said the AFU should play crucial role for the development of agriculture and forestry.

Noting that the targets of production and productivity could not be attained without cooperation from university teachers, agriculture scientists, students and technicians, he said, “Youths attraction to agriculture has not increased. They should be brought to agriculture by adopting any measures. It is to spur productivity”.

The Prime Minister further said he wished to see the effective role in the technology production through the better education, research and extension system in the future.

The country’s agriculture education, research system and agriculture and forestry university also have witnessed challenges, he said, adding, “The AFU can play crucial role for the development of agriculture and forestry”.

PM Dahal expressed happiness over the establishment and operation of eight agriculture faculties, colleges and two agriculture science centers in different provinces and suggested running educational programme in the approved colleges of Syangja and Gorkha.

He stressed the spectacular role of the university in increasing production and productivity, thereby promoting export and slashing national loss.

He said the university should provide evidence-based policy recommendations to improve economic condition and employment through scientific forestry management.

The PM underlined the need to run constructive campaign to sustainably operate teaching and research maintaining higher quality.

The AFU was established in Nepal in 2067 BS realizing the need of technical university for education and research in the areas of agriculture, livestock, veterinary, fishery and forestry.


PM Dahal insists government’s pro-people works have instilled people’s faith in republic 

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has opined that the government’s people-oriented steps have enahanced people’s hope and faith towards the federal democratic republic.

Addressing the prgramme organised on the occasion of the 39th Anniversary of Nepal Television (NTV) here today, he said the development of positive thinking and infusion of new hope among the people that ‘something will be done’ should be considered positive achievement.

He said the present government under his leadership formed amidst a challenging situation has completed one year and one month’s term, and during the period it has taken ahead several courageous and people-oriented works that history will remember.

“Incidents like the investigation into the fake Bhutanese refugee scandal, the daring action taken in the Lalita Niwas scam and the fair probe into the gold smuggling case have exposed the criminal acts carried out through the misuse of State authority,” PM Dahal said.

He further said that works like the laws enacted in support of the usury victims, the formulation of the Citizenship Act for the Nepali citizens’ offspring devoid of citizenship, the contribution-based social security scheme brought for those citizens on foreign employment and the labourers working in the self-employment and informal sectors and swift distribution of passport and the driving license, among other works have raised hope among the people.

He clarified that the country’s economy is already back on track due to the positive measures carried out by the government.

PM Dahal mentioned, “Steps taken to make offices systematic, reform in health sector including arrangement of free beds at hospital, supply of text books and chemical fertilizer on time and efforts taken in social justice sector have been praised everywhere.”

The incumbent government was committed to build necessary structures and entities guaranteeing freedom of expression, right to information and press freedom, he stressed.

The Prime Minister expressed commitment to establish the right to information as the responsibility of the State, effectively implementing the laws formulated for working journalists.

Sharing that he was aware of the problems facing the media in Nepal as advertisement market of Nepal has shrunk since few years due to economic recession following COVID-19 pandemic, he emphasised on the need of Nepal Television to preserve the pride of being the ‘mother of broadcasting’ even in difficult situation.

Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS)


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