Xi arrives in San Francisco as crowds eagerly welcome Chinese President for a key China-US summit, APEC meetings

Xi arrives in San Francisco as crowds eagerly welcome Chinese President for a key China-US summit, APEC meetings

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in San Francisco, the US, on Tuesday afternoon local time to participate in a much-anticipated China-US summit meeting and the 30th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting this week, which experts believe will help stabilize China-US relations and inject new momentum into global economic recovery.

Global Times reporter saw on the spot that US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and California governor Gavin Newsom are among US personnel to receive the Chinese delegation.

On Tuesday, streets in San Francisco were filled with a multitude of local residents, overseas Chinese people and students waving flags of both China and the US, expressing the warmest welcome for President Xi’s arrival.

Under a cool and blue sky, Global Times reporters noticed the welcoming crowd at the airport beaming warmth and enthusiasm as they eagerly welcomed President Xi. In San Francisco’s Chinatown, one of the largest Chinatowns in the US and the oldest Chinatown in North America, also geared up to welcome President Xi.

San Francisco was the first stop of Xi’s maiden trip to the US decades ago. In the spring of 1985, Xi, at that time a county leader of Zhengding County in North China’s Hebei Province, took his first steps onto US soil.

Photo: Shen Weiduo/GT

Photo: Shen Weiduo/GT

Standing outside the Moscone Center, the main venue for the APEC events, on Tuesday morning, Global Times reporters talked with Zhang, a man in his 40s, who had traveled all the way from New York specifically to be part of this welcoming event. Having lived in the US for 11 years, Zhang expressed his excitement and hope for an improvement in China-US relations.

“I’m quite thrilled,” Zhang said, “and I’m hoping for win-win cooperation between China and the US. It’s beneficial for both sides. When the relationship isn’t good, there are fewer flights between China and the US, and ticket prices soar. If relations could be better, it would not only benefit the development of the Chinese people but also significantly improve the safety and stability of the world. I hope they can reach a positive outcome and jointly maintain global stability and peace.”

Zhang also touched on the impact of deteriorating relations on the Chinese community in the US. “The world is facing severe challenges now, and it’s crucial for major powers to sit down and discuss these issues,” he said, recalling President Xi’s last visit to Mar-a-Lago in 2017, which had positive outcomes. “It’s time for the leaders of the two countries to sit down and talk again.”

“It’s a big event for the Chinese community here, as we are hoping the two leaders of the countries can have a sit-down and in-depth talk for the benefit of the two countries, as well as for our offspring. That’s critically important,” a mother surnamed Xie told the Global Times. Xie also brought her 6-year-old daughter to join the welcoming delegation.

Chinese business representatives in the US have also gathered in San Francisco from across the country to witness the meeting, hoping that this visit can help dispel misunderstandings and facilitate trade between the two countries. “Businesses from China and the US now need more trust and face-to-face communication, and President Xi’s visit comes just in time,” a New York-based Chinese company representative told the Global Times on Monday.

(Global Times)


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