China sanctions Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman over arms sales to Taiwan island

China sanctions Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman over arms sales to Taiwan island

As Lockheed Martin of the US directly participated as the main contractor in US arms sales to the island of Taiwan on August 24, and Northrop Grumman has participated in US arms sales to the island on many occasions, the Chinese side decided to impose sanctions on the above two US military enterprises, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced Friday.

Recently, the US provided the island of Taiwan with advanced weapons in the form of arms sales, military aid, and loans. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that the US government, disregarding China’s strong opposition, insisted on providing weapons to the island of Taiwan, which seriously violates the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiques, and seriously undermines international law and the basic norms of international relations. It severely damages China’s sovereignty and security interests and further goes along the wrong and dangerous path of arming the island, Mao noted.

The sanctions imposed by China on these two companies may not have a significant impact on them on the surface or directly. However, looking into the future and considering the affiliated enterprises of these companies, it will have a significant impact on their business in China, experts stressed.

China encourages all American companies and Western companies to do business in China. However, if a company poses a threat to China’s national security or creates trouble in this regard, China will not welcome such companies to make money from Chinese people while constraining China, Song Zhongping, a TV commentator and expert knowledgeable about the Taiwan question, told the Global Times on Friday.

Mao emphasized that the Chinese government is firmly determined to defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge the US side to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiques, stop selling weapons to Taiwan island, stop all forms of military collusion with the island, and stop arming the island. Otherwise, it will undoubtedly face resolute and powerful counterattacks from China, Mao said.

Experts noted that the continuous escalation of US arms sales to Taiwan island, if normalized and becomes routine, can only bring war to the island and its residents. It aims to create trouble in the island and make it a significant obstacle to China’s development, while also creating major problems in the Indo-Pacific region to hinder its potential as a driving force for global economic development, Song said.

Therefore, the US’ intention is to completely destroy the island of Taiwan and sacrifice the well-being of the Chinese people, pushing both sides toward the vortex of war, experts warned.

(Global Times)


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