Top CAS academicians prohibited from publicly expressing opinions unrelated to their field

Top CAS academicians prohibited from publicly expressing opinions unrelated to their field

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has prohibited its academicians from expressing academic opinions unrelated to their field of expertise in public, according to its updated code of conduct.

Earlier in August, a new version of By-laws for Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which consists of six chapters and 33 articles, was published, marking the first revision of its code of conduct in nine years. Compared with the old version, the new version has added a chapter and seven provisions, and it is more strict and specific about behavior, Chinese media outlets reported on Tuesday.

The academicians of the CAS, scientists who have received the highest recognition in China, are now prohibited from attending various kinds of socializing business dinners, and from participating in the setting up of non-academic venues with the title of academician, according to the newly added chapter on prohibited behavior. Academicians are also banned from taking part in activities such as consultation, evaluation and assessment that are unrelated to their duties and responsibilities and professional fields, as well as from violating the principles of fairness and confidentiality in activities such as recommendations, assessment, appraisal and prize evaluation.

One of the latest prohibited behaviors that has attracted much attention is the public expression of academic opinions unrelated to one’s professional field. Many netizens expressed support for this added requirement.

“Many academicians are just experts in a particular field but make presumptuous comments about other fields,” wrote one netizen in the comments section of a media report. Another commenter wrote, “This behavior should have been restricted long ago!”

Regarding moonlighting and remuneration, the new version of the code of conduct prohibits the use of the title of academician for improper gain. Academicians are also asked to consciously abide by the academy’s regulations on part-time job management and the academician reporting system.

Being an academician of the CAS is the highest academic title in China. The CAS is the world’s largest research organization with 100 institutes, three universities, 69,000 full-time employees, and 79,000 graduate students. It has consistently ranked among the top research organizations around the world.


(Global Times)


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